“I did.”
“I too find myself enjoying some of the more sadistic sides of that world. We vampires are dominant creatures – the act of domination during sex comes rather naturally to us.”
“I think I can handle that. The blood thing, that’s a little outside my comfort zone, but BDSM doesn’t sound too bad.”
“I intend to push you well outside your comfort zone, Luke,” Xander replied, leaning in so close, I could smell the iron on his breath. “I can give you all the pleasure in the world, but you must submit yourself to me –your body, your mind, and even your soul. You have to let me play with you and consume your very lifeblood if you want to stay with me.”
He stopped speaking and I realized I was breathing faster than before, my heart pounding away in my chest.
“I…I don’t know,” I stammered. “It’s a lot to consider.”
“I’m not finished,” Xander said, sitting back again. “How do you feel about participating in sex while you’re asleep?”
“I, well, I never thought about it before. Can’t you elaborate?”
“As I’m sure you are already aware, as a vampire, I have little need for sleep, but I am fascinated by humans in that state.”
“So, you want to fuck me when I’m asleep? Just clarifying.”
“That’s correct. With your consent over the act, of course.”
I took a deep breath, considering what Xander had just told me. “I don’t know if I can go that far. Maybe we could revisit that later on in the relationship.”
“Very well, I can manage that.”
I paused, leaning back in my chair. His sex life was high maintenance, that was for sure. But it was also intriguing and a little exciting. If I agreed to try a few things out with him, I was putting my life in my hands – literally, I feared. Then again, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. I’d asked to be matched with a monster, and here was my monster, beckoning to me with open arms.
“And what if you accidentally kill me?” I blurted out.
The thought had been swimming in the back of my head since Xander first mentioned blood-sucking, but I hadn’t meant to actually voice it.
“I won’t.”
“Even accidentally?”
“I know how to play with my mates, Luke. I’ve never killed a human – or any other monster – before.”
My anxiety was alleviated for the time being, but there was still that nagging worry deep inside that asked what if this is the time he kills? I’d read books and watched movies about murderous vampires before. Xander would say that was stereotypical slander, but some of them were based on true stories. What if I was the next vampire victim, even if it was an accident?
Still, he seemed genuine, and with 250 years of life under his belt, I would be a fool to doubt his word.
“I’m okay with all that,” I finally said, much to Xander’s delight. “I think we should give this relationship a go.”
“Shall we return to my house, then?” he asked.
“R-right now? Uh, I guess so. You don’t think we’re jumping in a little too quickly?”
Xander’s face turned stony again. “I’m a vampire. I live my life one thrill at a time, as quickly as possible. Immortality gets boring and rather lonely if I don’t. Now, are you in or out?”
“I’m in,” I said with a sort of finality that I knew would be either the best decision I made in my life or the worst.
Only time and a continuation of this strange, vampiric date with Xander would tell.
As soon as I had Luke’s confirmation that he would come home with me for the night, we made our way to the front desk to bid our goodbyes to The Librarian. They concealed a knowing smirk, the corners of their mouth curling ever so slightly before they forced them back down.