“Hi, I’m Luke.”
I couldn’t have kept myself from looking up now if I wanted to, curiosity eating a hole straight through my brain. What were the odds that two separate men I dated one after the other were named Luke?
I allowed myself a quick glance in the man’s direction. A tousle of blonde hair caught my eye, deep blue eyes watching me back, waiting for my reaction.
“Hello, Luke.” I smiled. “It’s delightful to meet you. Please, sit down.”
Luke sat opposite me, his light blue sweater creasing as he leaned in, his fringe falling over his eyes. He needed a haircut, but I wasn’t about to be the one to tell him. I rather enjoyed watching him push his hair out of his face. He smiled nervously and rested his hands atop mine.
“I’ve never been more thrilled in my life to get a letter in the mail,” he said, “than when I got one from the library yesterday.”
I glanced back at The Librarian, who was watching out of the corner of their eye. When they saw me, they gave me a reassuring nod and turned their attention back to their work.
“I was hoping it would be you,” I told Luke. “I couldn’t bring myself to actually believe we would get a second chance, but I always held out hope.”
Luke grinned, his perfect, fangless teeth showing. “So did I,” he said. “I Believe me, Xander, so did I.”
We talked for hours in the library before The Librarian finally kicked us out, telling us they had to get home and get a few hours of sleep too. Except I was under no false pretenses that I was getting any sleep tonight, but I didn’t say that to the Librarian.
“Would you like to come back to my house?” Xander asked hopefully, the cool night breeze rippling through my hair as we stepped outside.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I laughed. “I would have been insulted if you didn’t invite me over.”
That was all the confirmation Xander needed to scoop me up in his arms and take me back to the countryside manor, the darkness of the night sky concealing us.
Neither of us could wait to get our hands on each other till we got upstairs. Xander had my sweater off before the front door had fully closed, and my fingers fumbled with his fly as soon as my hands were free.
We made it to the dining hall, lips locked together, hands franticly searching for something to touch, before Xander pushed me back against the short end of the long dining table.
The corner bumped into the small of my back, sending a twinge of pain through my nerves. It quickly faded into a dull ache that all but disappeared as Xander’s hands found my ass, lifting me onto the table like I was the main course for the evening.
I threw my head back as he planted a trail of kisses down my neck, chest, and stomach before stopping, his fangs scraping eagerly at my flesh.
“Go on,” I gasped.
Xander raised his head back up to my throat, pausing for half a second before sinking his teeth into my skin. Blood trickled out from the holes his fangs still occupied. He pressed his lips against my throat, sucking every last drop of blood he could coax out.
I wrapped my arms around his waist, fingers digging into his back. I’d pulled him as close to me as physically possible, yet he still wasn’t close enough. We needed to merge into one. I needed him to be me and me to be him.
“Fuck me,” I whispered.
Xander drew away from my throat, lips shiny and red with blood. “Here?”
“Yes, right here. Please.”
I half-expected Xander to deny me immediate pleasure. He was wont to do that at times when the mood struck. But tonight was different. Tonight Xander wanted me just as much as I wanted him, if not more. Two centuries on this earth gave him a lot of restraint, but not quite enough to overpower his most primal desires in a moment like this.
He didn’t question me again although he did disappear for a second to get that goddamned lube bottle from his nightstand. He could have taken me with him up to the bedroom, where we could have stayed as usual, but by the time the thought entered my mind, he was back.
Sometimes it was best to let vampires do what they wanted, as I’d learned pretty painfully over the last couple of months. Being back with Xander was everything except painful, though. We were meant to be together. This was the only right way the night could have ended: the two of us entwined in this cold, dark mansion.
Xander pressed the tip of his cock against my hole, barely giving me a second to breathe before pushing it in farther. I hissed through my teeth as he filled me, his cool breath puffing against my face.
The scent of fresh blood didn’t bother me anymore. I didn’t exactly like it, but I’d grown used to it – and, most of all, it reminded me of Xander. Any memory of Xander gave me that warm, fuzzy feeling inside that I craved.