“Have you ever considered trying out a new career?” I asked as Xander wiped his mouth on his wrist, streaking a crimson stain across it. “I mean besides being an independently wealthy, brooding vampire in the countryside.”
He furrowed his brow, and for a second I worried I’d overstepped my boundaries again. “Yes,” he said slowly, his expression softening. “But there are not many career paths that look for someone as obviously vampiric as me.”
“Why not? You’d make a great…” I thought about his options.
He couldn’t get a career in medicine – too much blood, too much temptation. Really any career involving humans or animals or other monsters was out, and any that were left would probably get tiring after a few lifetimes’ worth of working them.
“Yeah, never mind. I guess sometimes it’s best to just enjoy the life you have.”
Xander nodded. “That was my conclusion as well.” He swiped away the fresh blood on my chest with his tongue, getting another good mouthful.
The pool was growing as the wound near my collarbone continued to bleed, but Xander paused his enjoyment of it to continue talking.
“That is not to say that other vampires haven’t had successful careers,” he said. “Your new book should provide you with many examples of famous vampires throughout history.”
“What chapter?” I asked. “It’s a long book, y’know.”
“Chapter 45 or somewhere near there. I shall find it for you later.”
He lowered his head again to suck at my fresh wounds, and with that, the conversation was over. It was a lot harder to captivate the attention of a bloodthirsty vampire than I thought.
When he finally got his fill of my blood, I attempted to sit up, only for a wave of dizziness to send my head back onto the pillow.
“Are you all right?” Xander asked, concern etched in the deep lines on his forehead.
“Yeah, I’m just feeling a little weak, that’s all.” I waved at him dismissively, but Xander shook his head.
“I took too much blood. I’m terribly sorry, Luke. I let my vampiric side get the better of me. Let me bring you something to eat and drink.”
After a bit of hesitation, I nodded. I didn’t want to make a bigger deal out of this than was necessary, but a little nourishment and some sugar to boost my energy did sound like it would help.
Xander left for a few minutes, returning shortly with a full platter far exceeding “something to eat and drink,” as he suggested: plump red strawberries, perfect little squares of chocolate, a variety of cheese, almonds, and more decorated the massive plate. In his other hand, he held a glass of blood-red wine.
He sat next to me while I ate and drank, propping me up with his arm, even though I was already feeling much better and could sit up on my own now. I let him coddle me, enjoying the extra attention.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone who cares so much about me,” I told him after I was done with my food and drink.
“I feel the same,” Xander said. “I want this to last, Luke. I would like to be with you forever – as loaded of a word that is for someone like me.”
“I…I would like that too, Xander. I hope it works out.”
“The Librarian would tell us that it is destined to work out, but I’m not sure how much I believe in that. Do you think that two can be fated to be together?”
I thought about it for a while before answering. “Maybe. But I think it’s a lot rarer than The Librarian likes to let on.”
Xander nodded. “People – and monsters – are complex. Compatibility stretches far beyond a dating application curated by a self-proclaimed matchmaker. Still, they have achieved success before. Perhaps they know more about the craft than they let on.”
I nodded my agreement sleepily, leaning against Xander as my eyelids grew heavier by the second. “It’s possible,” I yawned. “Or maybe they’re just really good and knowing who will hit it off. I think…” I trailed off, sleep threatening to overtake the conversation. “I think they…”
Xander put a finger to my lips, shushing me gently. “Sleep,” he whispered. “You need your rest now. We can talk more later.”
It wasn’t hard to obey him this time. The second I closed my eyes, I was out like a lightbulb. He was right: we would simply have to pick up the conversation later.
Icontinued to stroke Luke’s wavy blonde locks long after he’d fallen asleep. I loved everything about him and I wanted to enjoy his presence as long as I had him near me. Someday, Luke would be gone and I would remain, alone again and in need of another mate. But right now, Luke was curled up next to me, each soft puff of breath warming my arm pinned underneath his neck.