Page 13 of Love Bitten

His hand came down hard on my ass, the sheer surprise making me jump. The initial jolt of pain spread like a hot iron across my skin. He brought his hand down again, and again, and again. This was going to leave a mark too, maybe even more apparent than the teeth marks to anyone lucky enough to see it.



Luke’s body was like a piece of artwork made especially for me. I could have admired him all day, taking him in at every angle. I delighted in leaving my mark on his sculpturesque body too, though I would have stopped as soon as he asked – if he ever asked.

Each time I spanked him, each time the open palm of my hand met his soft, reddening flesh, I anticipated the words that would come out of his mouth – the ones begging me to cease. He never spoke them, and the only sounds from him were the small whimpers he tried to hold back.

I reveled in each strike, watching as the skin turned from a bright, blushing pink to a hot, burning red. If I wasn’t careful, I was going to leave welts that would make it difficult to sit down for days. That was one way to help Luke remember me.

The other way was more pleasure-based, although I could tell he was enjoying the spanking. With my free hand, I reached under him, stroking his cock firmly. It was rock hard and only growing stiffer, its length filling my grasp.

“That’s enough for now,” I said, lifting my hand, which also turned a shade of life-like pink from the repeated contact with Luke’s asscheeks.

Luke let out a long, shaky sigh.

“Unless you want me to continue.”

“No,” he answered quickly. “No, I think I’ve had enough.”

“I suspected as much. Well, well, Luke, what to do with you now?”

I already knew what he wanted. He wanted me to fuck him like I had last night. He wanted to be fucked until he came, to experience the immense relief that would wash over him after being strung along for hours.

I had no intention of giving him that relief – not yet, at least. He was my toy, and I wished to play with him. I dragged my fingers along his skin again, leaving faint red marks in their wake. Goosebumps appeared along his arms and he shuddered as I lightened my touch, leaving him with nothing more than a whisper of a sensation.

Then I dug my nails in, all but breaking the skin beneath them. A hint of blood appeared on Luke’s back and it took everything within my power to keep my lips away from it. There wasn’t enough for me to enjoy anyway, but another scrape with my nails would draw another drop or two. It would be so easy.

No, I couldn’t do that to him yet today. He needed time to recover from the other pains I’d inflicted upon him. I contented myself with watching the color of his skin change from red to pink as I relieved the pressure of my touch, the blood fading away, leaving nothing more than a faint stain on his precious skin.

Wordlessly, I got up from the bed.

“Where are you going?” Luke mumbled into the pillow.

I didn’t answer.

Walking to the wardrobe, I sifted through some dusty old suits that were so outdated, I would get stared down in the street if I attempted to wear one. Behind them, hanging on a peg mounted to the back of the wardrobe, I found what I was looking for.

I slipped the thin yet sturdy rope off the peg, slinking it over the crook of my elbow. It had been made for a different purpose, one that was less salacious, but it had been many decades since any original purpose would have been useful to me.

I climbed back onto the bed, kneeling over Luke, and pulled his arms behind his back. He didn’t question me this time. He’d accepted whatever fate belied him.

I wrapped the beige rope around his wrists several times over before knotting it, cinching it tightly enough that he couldn’t wriggle free, but not tightly enough to hurt him. I had no intention of truly hurting him. Where would the fun be in that?

Luke lay there helpless while I secured the rope. I’d done this many times and I knew what I was doing, but Luke’s tense muscles told me he wasn’t as sure as I was.

“Relax,” I told him. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“Safe from what?” he asked, his voice more muffled now that he couldn’t prop himself up with his hands.

“Harm. Now, stop fretting and enjoy yourself.”

“Or what?”

“Or I shall have to spank you again.”