Page 10 of Love Bitten

Every thought that had been in my mind left as soon as Xander pushed his full length into me. I sucked the cold, damp air around me into my lungs, my skin tingling and my teeth clenching. Xander slid himself out again, giving me a moment to breathe, before thrusting back in.

Each movement he made was slow and deliberate. I expected someone like him to be absolutely feral in the bedroom, yet here he was proving my ideas wrong once again.

Any fears I had of being treated roughly, getting injured, or having to put up with all kinds of depraved acts had vanished. It melted away with any semblance of rationality I had before Xander had begun fucking me.

He continued to kiss and suck on my skin. He wanted to bite me, I could tell, but I wasn’t ready for that just yet. His hands ran along my hips and the sides of my ribs as he fucked me, gently at first, then a little harder.

I was making all kinds of sounds I didn’t know I was capable of creating. I should have been embarrassed, but I was having too much fun for that. Xander had brought me into a whole new world of pleasure. Whatever I wanted, there was no going back now.

He kept up a steady rhythm, bringing me close to the edge before pulling me away. I begged him for more, but as I quickly realized, a vampire like Xander had near-unlimited stamina. He could have gone all night if I asked him to.

“Do you want me to let you come?” he asked, his face almost against mine as he leaned in close.

“Yes,” I begged him. “Please, yes.”

“Then let me bite you,” he hissed into my ear.

How could I say no? After everything he’d given me tonight, it was the least I could do. And I needed release too. If this was how I got it, I would be more than satisfied.

I nodded my head, giving him the okay, but he pulled his head away from my neck, where I thought he would bite me.

Instead, he held my cock with one hand, stroking it with an impressive deftness. The initial chill of his hand was a shock, but the pressure building inside me made me quickly forget the cold surprise.

With a final thrust, he buried himself deep into me, dipping his head till his fangs touched my skin. He clamped down, the sharp teeth driving into my flesh. A flash of pain shot through my neck, before pleasure overcame it.

I came hard as Xander drank deeply from the small wounds in my neck, my blood rejuvenating him with its life force. His fangs penetrated me again, another jolt of pain shooting through my neck before he sucked the blood up as if his life depended on it. In a way, it did.



Islid my cock out of Luke, stroking it with my hand while the hot, slick blood from the side of his neck filled my mouth. I shouldn’t have taken as much as I did, but once I began, I couldn’t contain my bloodlust.

I knew I had to stop before I took too much and harmed Luke, so I forced my teeth away from his skin and let the remainder of the dark red fluid slide down my throat.

I gave my cock a squeeze, spilling my seed all over Luke’s abdomen, which rose and fell with rapid succession. He was still in a post-orgasmic stupor and as I sat over him, my head spun with visions of taking more of his precious blood for myself.

The taste still filled my mouth. My fangs were coated in the substance and a trickle of it slid down the corner of my mouth. There was nothing better than a mouthful of human blood after fucking them till they couldn’t stand straight.

Luke’s cheeks were flushed as he slowly sat up minutes later, the darkness threatening to swallow them whole.

“Let me light a candle,” I told him, “so you can get cleaned up.”

Luke smiled dreamily and reached for my hand. “That was amazing,” he said, squeezing my fingers in his.

“I take it you’re sold on vampire sex, then?”

“Yes. Absolutely. I don’t think I can ever go back to regular human sex.”

“Perhaps you won’t have to.”

I cleared my throat and stood up from the bed, slipping into a silken black bathrobe before lighting the candles along the wall. Luke watched my every move with a sort of fascination – or maybe it was adoration. Either way, it gave me a strange warm sensation in my core.

“Vampires sure do bite hard, don’t they?” he said, rubbing tenderly at his neck where blood still trickled out of the puncture wounds.

I desired more than anything to lick up that blood rather than let it go to waste, but I was better off not drinking anymore tonight or it would get to my head.

“I shouldn’t have gone as deep as I did,” I confessed. “I let my lust overtake me.”