Page 90 of Tears of Revenge

She spent the flight bouncing between her men: checking on Lysander or plopping herself in Marcus’s or Varos’s lap, scrolling through properties in Portugal. It was fun, but also humbling to see the lengths they were willing to go for her. They’d told her over and over, but unconditional love was hard to come by. It would likely take her a lifetime to get used to it.

At some point, Marcus sat next to Varos to discuss the advantages of a house he thought was perfect, but Varos needed convincing. She stared at them, a warmth spreading through her body that made her skin tingle and her eyes water. She tried to hold the tears back knowing they would most likely ruin her outfit, but the first one rolled down her cheek despite her efforts.

Marcus’s head spun around, concerned. He grabbed a tissue and knelt in front of her. “What happened, little dove?”

“You,” she sniffed, dabbing her tears away. “I’m so lucky to be with you.”

Varos handed her a clean tissue and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “We are very lucky to be with you too.”

She pulled them both in and peppered them with short, sweet kisses to show her appreciation. Then Marcus pulled her to her feet and gently nudged her towards the cockpit. “Now, go give your sleeping beauty a kiss too before he feels left out.”

Once again, she wrapped her arms around Lysander from behind and kissed him, his hands laying over her arms.

“We adore you very much, little bloodsucker.”

“You all are quite adorable too,” she giggled, relaxing with him as they soared over the clouds.



Avalon raced through the trees, tracking the deer that had passed by hours ago. She’d been successful since her first hunt. Once she knew the ropes and learned to trust her instincts, it seemed to come as easy as breathing. Seconds later, she had her fangs deep into the animal as it softly laid down for her to feed on. She never tortured them, charming them first with her antidote to ease their final moments before draining their life out of them.

Varos loved that about her. Even after she’d been turned, her gentle nature remained. Not once had she thought about letting her beast take control.

He knelt next to her and combed his fingers through her hair. “Well done, my little dove. You did fantastic.”

She hummed as the deer’s body fell heavy and its soul left its body.

“Beautiful,” he praised once more.

She sat up and gently laid the deer’s head on the moss beneath them. “It feels different having to kill them yourself. I never gave it much thought, just bought the meat at the store and then ate it. But this…” She trailed off her fingers running through its fur.

“I think you are giving them a calm end without suffering.”

With her weight now against him, Avalon closed the deer’s eyes. “I try to. I want them to know I appreciate it.”

“Rest assured, their last moments are the most peaceful they’ve had in their lives.”

Avalon sat still for a moment before standing and observing her surroundings. “Marcus might be home by the time we get back.”

Marcus had left the day before to go on his own special hunt. After a month in isolation, Marcus needed to leave. Avalon had been very receiving of his needs, though she made it clear that she wouldn’t be joining. She didn’t mind them giving in to those urges, but she wouldn’t. It had been a long, open conversation in which neither of the sides had judged.

They took their time hiking back, Avalon taking in the surrounding nature and the beautiful landscapes. Alaska was picturesque, and she spent most of her days in the wild. When they weren’t hunting, Lysander trailed along, relishing in the quiet moments he’d been ignoring for years. Avalon had brought peace to them in a wonderful, loving way that they’d been missing for centuries.


As suspected, Marcus was already home, waiting for her on the porch while Lysander steamed in the hot tub. She threw herself into his waiting arms, kissing him as if she hadn’t seen him in a decade.

“How was your hunt, little dove?” he asked, his hands pushing under her shirt and his fingers roaming her bare skin.

“Good,” she hummed, kissing a path along his jaw. “I missed you.”

“If this is how you’ll greet me every time I return, I might have to leave more often.”

She growled into his ear, clenching her legs tightly around his waist. “Don’t you dare.”

Varos chuckled, brushing past them and placing a delicate kiss on her shoulder.