“Maybe we can cook breakfast together? I was hoping you enjoyed bacon as much as I do, and I can stalk you while eating. Marcus said I should try drinking while you eat so I can still experience my favourite foods.”
“So, I’m just a means to an end.”
“If you let yourself be, yes.”
A little while later she was standing by his side mixing some pancake batter. Varos and Marcus had joined them too, but they didn’t participate in the cooking. They sat at the island and were clearly enjoying the view of Avalon in her fitted leggings and a loose sweater.
“So, are you three not expected to work?” She paused, eyes widening. “I’m expected to work.”
“I took the liberty of letting your employer know you’re no longer able to work for them,” Varos said. Then seeing how hurt she was by it, Varos quickly added, “I didn’t want anyone searching for you, so I sent a letter of resignation in your name. It doesn’t mean you’ll never work again, but until you’re more… experienced, it’s best to cut all ties.”
Avalon nodded and returned to her task. “I really liked that job.”
“Once you are ready, we will help you find a new one,” Marcus promised.
“What about my apartment?”
“We will help you if you would like to keep it.”
Judging by the way Avalon’s jaw clenched, she didn’t like that idea.
Marcus seemed to notice too. He came around the island, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the back of her neck. “Tell us what is upsetting you and we can help you.”
“I liked being independent.”
“Financially?” Marcus clarified.
She nodded.
“The money you have earned is still yours.”
“My savings won’t last that long.”
“Then work for us,” he offered. Her head tilted faintly, and their eyes met. “Marcus barely works as it is and Varos only does it because he’s too polite to let me do all the work. You will earn your own money by doing so and whatever you make is yours to keep.”
“I like that idea,” Varos agreed. “We can sit down later today and talk it through.”
“And besides that, we are going to spoil you with everything you could ever want,” Marcus added with another kiss to her shoulder.
Avalon leaned into Marcus’s touch and closed her eyes, soaking up every piece of him.
While he ate, Avalon sat next to him, inhaling the scent of bacon and eggs while she sipped on her blood. “I don’t want to keep my apartment,” she finally said.
“You don’t have to decide that now.”
She looked up at Varos, who approached with his own meal. “But I’m not going back there, and you said it’s good to cut ties.”
He stayed out of it. That wasn’t his call and with Varos already saying what he thought, he didn’t want to stress her out with more opinions. This was her decision.
“I mean if it was a nice apartment, I might feel differently. But it was just an affordable place to live. And you said this is my home now, right?”
“Of course, it is, and I didn’t mean to make you question that. When is your lease up?”
“In three months.”
“Then let it run out. In the meantime, we’ll collect your things and slowly move you in here.”
Lysander was no mind reader, but since Avalon now sipped her meal with a contented smile on her face, his best guess was that she approved of Varos’s idea.