Page 58 of Claiming Her Alpha

She watched as his brows narrowed.

“Now feel the wind move through your fur. Feel the air tickle you and your tail wag as a breeze surrounds you.”

His body started to blur, his lips twitching into a smile as he imagined the wind swooshing around him.

“Now feel the moss beneath your paws. Feel it give under your weight, your sharp claws scraping through the dirt beneath you.”

She watched as his body shifted and bones began to crack. Getting onto her feet, she stepped back to give him enough space to shift.

“Feel your large heart pump your blood through your veins. Feel your muscles grow as your wolf form takes over.”

More bones cracked as he leaned on his hands and dug his fingers into the ground beneath him. His clothes ripped as his body transformed into a large, red wolf. His transformation seemed much easier. Much faster than her first one or her second one with Ryker. She watched as his hands transformed into paws, his shoulders widened, and his face elongated. His skin ripped apart and was replaced by more and more crimson fur.

She stepped farther back, settling between her father and Avery, who proudly smiled at the red wolf emerging before them. After another moment, a scared, confused, beautiful wolf stood before them. Although her father would officially welcome him into the pack, Kendra stepped forward and ran her fingers through the wolf’s fur, stroking him right behind his ear.

“You did it, William.”

He leaned into her touch before she stepped back again and let her father take over. He walked around William’s wolf, inspecting him and making his presence as alpha of the pack known.

Her father shifted and had William’s wolf accept him as his alpha, making him bow so deep before him that his neck was exposed. As every wolf before him, William obeyed and by doing so, he became part of the pack. After he was welcomed, the pack began to cheer, his family stepping forward to welcome their new member. Some fathers took their sons out for runs, while other new wolves spent time with their families before exploring the woods with friends.

Kendra enjoyed the evening with her family and friends. Though she was excited about her luna ceremony, she dreaded to think of what the next two weeks would hold…

Chapter Sixteen

Ryker was riding next to Sean, the windows of their SUV rolled down. Sean had offered to drive while Ryker took in their surroundings. It wasn’t just for the view–Ryker was looking out for anything out of the ordinary.

They were the first of three cars. The middle one was driven by Gabriel and was holding Alpha Vallerian and Luna Sophia while the last one was solely occupied by warriors. The closer they got to the Shadow territory, the more tension filled the air. This was the first time any of them had officially stepped foot onto a different pack’s territory. No one really knew what to expect. Outside of the bond, the Blood Wolves weren’t very well liked amongst anyone.

The entrance to the Shadow territory was a hidden, private dirt road. If you weren’t looking for it, you’d never know it was there. It was slightly curvy, not letting Ryker see much of what lay ahead—which was why he’d rolled down his window. If he couldn’t see anything suspicious, he’d definitely smell it. Wolves passed through here quite frequently, though all of them seemed to belong to the same pack.

Alpha Vallerian had wanted to be one of the first to arrive. Ryker knew it wasn’t just to punish him. He wanted them to be able to settle in without other packs around. Ryker had actually been quite surprised that their guest count had been accepted so easily. He’d thought Kendra would fight it. She probably didn’t like it, but likely didn’t feel that she had a voice. If she didn’t want to offend anyone, she had to accept Alpha Vallerian’s guest list.

They drove around the next curve and came upon a large metal gate. A single man stood before it, though Ryker could smell the wolves hiding in the trees surrounding them.

‘We have arrived,’ he quickly let everyone know.

Sean stopped before the gate and they both watched as the man came around to the driver’s side. “Pack?” he asked, though Ryker could tell that by the dark look on his face he already knew.

“Blood Wolves,” Sean replied calmly.



“Follow the road and park by the garage.”

Sean nodded and waited for the gate to open before driving onto the territory.

‘Why didn’t they frisk us?’ Sean asked curiously.

‘Because if we want to kill them, we don’t need weapons and they know that.’

Sean grinned proudly. ‘True.’

To Gabriel, Ryker asked, ‘Did you hear?’
