“How about I rip your fucking soul out of your chest and force you to continue your life as if nothing happened?”
Ryker recognized Sean’s and Tailor’s voices.
“You think he’s hurt? Maybe we should take him back so Melanie can take a look at him.” That voice belonged to Andrew.
“I don’t think he would want that,” Sean answered.
“Maybe we can let him rot here so we can get a proper warrior.”
“Fuck you, Tailor!” Sean came to Ryker’s rescue. “You’re such an arrogant fucking prick. Let me rip your arm off and demand of you to pretend as if nothing happened.”
Ryker felt a warm touch and after a moment, his body slowly became his to control again. Someone had laid their hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed it.
“Ryker, can you hear me?” Andrew asked.
Ryker’s eyes fluttered open, only to shut again against the blinding light.
“Do you want us to take you back?”
He slowly shook his head.
“It’s okay, you know? We heard about the luna ceremony and tried to find you so we could talk,” Andrew gently continued.
Even through his closed lids the light burned his eyes.
“You know you can talk to us, right?” Sean chimed in.
Ryker shook his head, tears trying to push under his eyelids.
“Look, we don’t want you to think you have to hide from us. You’re not weak or anything like that,” Sean tried to reassure him.
“Fuck, you guys are idiots.”
Ryker clearly recognized the sound of bones breaking. He opened his eyes and looked around to find its cause. He pushed himself onto his knees, looking around through squinted eyes. He saw Tailor’s unconscious body in the dirt, blood streaming from his broken nose.
“Damn that felt good,” Andrew grinned and shook his hand out. Then his eyes fell on Ryker, and he bowed his head. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”
Ryker rubbed his hand over his face, muscles burning with each movement. “I’m not carrying him back.”
Andrew nodded. “I guess it’s only fair for me to do it then.”
Sean offered Ryker a hand and pulled him to his feet. The quick change in elevation made Ryker’s head spin, he stumbled for a moment to find his footing.
Andrew threw Tailor over his shoulder and started walking, Ryker following close behind. It would have been easier if they’d shifted and ran back home, but Ryker didn’t want to, and they could feel it.
“He’s right you know,” Ryker confessed, his voice rough and raw.
“Fuck him,” Andrew growled.
“Look, we all would’ve acted the same if Kendra had been our mate. Only difference is, that pain would have broken us.”
“You’re my brother, you’re supposed to say that.”
Andrew turned without regard to the man on his shoulders, causing Tailor’s head to slam into a tree. “Yes, we are your brothers. Telling the truth is part of our promise to you as your warriors.”
“I lost it, yet again.”
“Because you’re being forced to face her without being able to acknowledge her.” Sean laid a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it again. “We understand that actions have consequences but that doesn’t mean you can’t feel it. It’s alright to show how hard it is on you, it doesn’t make you weak.”