Page 40 of Claiming Her Alpha

She did as her father asked and sat next to Kent.

“Now that you have your wolf, what are your intentions going further? I’m sure you’ve thought about it.”

“I want to take over the pack as your heir.”

A deep, threatening growl rumbled from Kent. “Mine.”

Her father silenced him with a wave of his hand before he turned his attention back to her. “And your wolf?”

“She suggested it.”

Her father nodded and turned his gaze back to his son. “And you. What are your intentions going further with Jenevea? Have you thought about how you want to proceed?”

Kent seemed caught off guard. “I don’t even know if the child is mine.”

Her father seemed a little disappointed. With his eyes burning holes into Kent, he asked, “Kendra, how would you proceed?”

“I talked to her and I believe her. She hasn’t given me reason to think she’s lying. I would take her in, if that is what she wishes. I would give her the choice to stay with us and maybe help rebuild the bond with her old pack.”

“Would you suggest that she and Kent raise the child together?”

“I don’t think it would be wise to force them together, though he should provide for his child. I would support her and ask the same of everyone in the family, but nothing she doesn’t agree too.”

“What would you do with the Silverliners?”

“We just started building a good relationship with them, so trying to keep that going would be in our best interest.”

Her father took a moment in which he seemed to be talking with Avery through the link. Kendra patiently waited with her head down, not wanting to intrude on their conversation. Kent was stiff, his dislike for her radiating through the air.

“Kendra, as the first-born wolf to this family it is your right to take on the pack after me. I can’t take that right away from you, nor can I fight you on it. Is this truly what you want?”

“I know it’s not what you expect of me and surely not what the pack had in mind, but I’ll do everything I can to keep them safe and provide for them. I know the responsibilities. I wasn’t brought up nor taught to take them on but I’m more than willing to learn.”

Her father gently smiled at her, pride flickering in his eyes. Then he turned to Kent, disappointment quickly replacing it. “For many years I’ve watched you and hoped that one day your alpha would awaken within you. Now I understand why it never happened. Though she emerged late, your sister was chosen by Isis–not you. I tried to make you fit into a role you were never meant to bear. Even without her wolf, Kendra always knew. She was by my side right there with you until you slid off the path I tried to keep you on.”

“She’s a woman!”

“She’s a wolf and has shown more leadership skills than you have, even without the proper training.”

“No one will take us seriously!”

“Isis has made her choice–so has Kendra. She’ll have to work hard, much harder than any male but I know she’ll do everything it takes to maintain our pack’s health.”

“You’re making a mistake.”

“I have spent the last twelve hours trying to justify you as my heir but nothing I came up with was strong enough to keep you as the pack’s future alpha. If you’d acted like one, maybe it would’ve been different. You chose your own path. This decision does not come lightly to you but I don’t believe I am making a mistake.” Her father turned his attention back to her. “I’ll be by your side and have your back all the way.”

She swallowed hard, tears of relief filling her eyes. “Thank you. That means everything to me.”

“Now, I’ll assign you your first official task. I want you to mend our relationship with Alpha Finlay.”

Kent stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Avery moved to follow, but her father held him back and handed Kendra the phone. She searched through the contacts and dialled.

Alpha Finlay greeted her with a sour, bitter tone. “Alpha Desmond.”

“Actually, this is Kendra, Alpha Desmond’s daughter.”

“So, the old man can’t restrain his son and sends his daughter to apologize.”