Page 20 of Claiming Her Alpha

“So, you just passed out?”

She nodded and stretched. “I just remember her feeling tired.”

“Does your father know?”

“No. I’m not even sure if I want to tell him, or anyone else for that matter.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m already different enough.”

In reality, Kendra already had a plan. One she didn’t want Mike to know about. Kent was his soon to be alpha and plotting against him could bring Mike in big trouble.

“You need to help me figure this whole wolf thing out though.”


“It’s weird sharing my mind with someone else.”

“Your wolf isn’t someone else–she is part of you. You can see her as another version of yourself, just a little more… animalistic,” he chuckled.

His words reminded her of what Ryker had told her about the two versions of herself. She couldn’t help but smile. “So, technically I’m not sharing with a random being but rather have myself to bounce thoughts and ideas off.”

“Yes, but she won’t always agree with you.”

“Damn…” she joked trying to hide the sadness that started to creep up on her the moment she’d thought about Ryker.

“Are you sure you don’t want to tell anyone?”

“I am. But if someone finds out I’m not going to make you lie for me. Just don’t run around announcing it.”

“I won’t–promise.”

“Thank you.”

With that, they started walking towards home. Though it would be a long hike, Kendra preferred it this way. The risk of someone seeing her wolf was just too high.

“Do you want to train your wolf too?”

“You mean fight you?”

“Only if you promise not to bite my tail off.”

“I’ll think about it,” she said with a cheeky grin.

The rest of the hike home was spent planning their next adventures. Mike had already planned new lessons for her, but now he was overjoyed with all the new possibilities her wolf brought to the table. Kendra would slowly become as strong as the other wolves–if not stronger. Especially since she was already huge in size.

Mike told her no one had noticed her absence. While he and Lina had thought that she was home or hiding from everyone, her family had likely thought she was with them.

As predicted, the hike took them forever. By the time she got home, her mom was already setting the dinner table. At the sound of the front door, her mom ran from the kitchen, eyes brimming with concern as she pulled Kendra in for a tight, motherly hug.

“You look exhausted! Were you out with Mike all day?”

“Yes,” Kendra lied–well not a total lie.

“Should I run a hot bath for you?”

“I’ll just take a quick shower. I’m hungry too.”