Page 16 of Claiming Her Alpha

Those were words of a true alpha, a strong leader. He thought about what she’d said about her brother, and what his pack knew about him. The memory of her words sparked an idea that filled him with pride. His mate could become an alpha if she wanted to. She was the first-born wolf, and seemingly better suited for leading a pack than her brother. He dozed off with his heart full, dreaming of his mate taking her rightful place as Alpha..

He only opened his eyes again at the sound of his alarm and the shift of Kendra’s body. Dazed, he looked over to see Kendra kneeling next to him rubbing her eyes. He reached for his phone and silenced the shrieking alarm. With his eyes fixed on her still naked form, he grew hard again right away. It didn’t get past Kendra, who watched him intently, clearly impressed by what she saw. Not wanting to make this any harder on her, he quickly got up and pulled his clothes back on.

“How long did I doze off for?” Kendra asked.

“About an hour. I thought that would give you enough time to wake up and get dressed.”

“Will you come with me?”

“I will. I promised to show you how to control your shifts, remember?”

“I do. I just hope they let you come.”

“I will if it’s the last thing I do.”

She got dressed and then looked around the room. “Bathroom?”

“Down the hall.”


“Do you have everything?”

“Didn’t come with much.” She chuckled and followed him out into the hallway.

He pointed at a door to the left and said, “I’ll meet you outside.”

“I won’t be long.”

Before she could walk away, he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. She leaned into him briefly before pulling away. Ryker had to admit he understood–this was already painful for the both of them.

As he walked past the kitchen, he quickly grabbed a drink and snacks for Kendra before heading outside. He was met by Gabriel, backed up by Andrew and Sean–two of the pack’s warriors. Ryker was glad Gabriel had chosen them to come with them. Sean was his right hand and Andrew was right there with him.

“She’ll be right here.”

Gabriel nodded. “I thought we could go south and let her shift in the woods.”

Ryker agreed. Shifting where she could be watched would add more pressure than she needed.

“You may guide her off the territory but no further than the bloodline.”

“I understand.”

“After she’s gone Alpha Vallerian wants to talk to you.”

Anxiety fluttered through Ryker’s body. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him–he hadn’t thought much about it. He didn’t want to taint his little time with Kendra with the dark thoughts of his future.

The door opened up behind him. He didn’t need to turn to see that it was her. His wolf hummed low in his mind, letting him know who it was. His nature being more animalistic than human, his wolf wasn’t aware what was about to happen. Ryker knew he would have to fight him not to run after her–just like Kendra would with hers.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to make anyone wait.”

Ryker handed her the snacks and drink. “You didn’t. Gabriel said you can shift in the south parts of the woods and from there we will guide you to the bloodline.”

“As long as you help me through the shift, I’m good.” Her eyes flickered to the others and a shy smile crooked her lips. “And you don’t laugh.”

Gabriel’s face softened while Sean and Andrew offered small grins.

As they walked through the village, Kendra took in her surroundings while she ate. She didn’t seem to mind the looks she got–even the dirty ones.