Page 95 of Alpha Awakening

“I think he’s just worried.”

A moment later, Natalie knocked on the door and let herself in. “Good morning.” Her eyes fell on Niev, gentle and calm as always. “How are you doing?”

“The twins are giving me a hard time. They keep pushing against my ribs. Blake’s wolf isn’t helping either. The girls and I can feel him pacing in the bond.”

“May I feel?”

Niev nodded and turned to Natalie with one hand still holding on to the couch. Taking care not to add more pressure to her stomach, Natalie laid her hands on Niev’s bump, right below her ribs.

“Does it hurt all the time?”


Natalie waited, her eyes closed and her face still calm. After a few moments, Niev inhaled deeply as the girls pushed again.

“I believe Blake’s wolf is pacing because you’re experiencing your first contractions.”


Blake was by her side in an instant. Standing behind her, he wrapped his arms around Niev and laid his large hands on her stomach. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. They are very mild, so we’ll have to wait and see if they continue.”

“Wait this is mild? Are these the ones you warned us about? Those test contractions that stop after a while?”

“Only time can tell, sweetheart.”

“No…” Niev gasped. “I can’t start and then stop. I can’t prepare myself for shit to go down and then have it stop!” Niev didn’t mean to swear but her anxiety and uncertainty mixed with anger.

Blake soothingly ran his nose over her neck. “Don’t worry about what could be. Let’s just take it a step at the time.”

“Only to go three steps back again.”

She didn’t mean to be rude, but she couldn’t do this. She couldn’t prepare herself for all that agony only for it to take a torturous long time to actually happen.

“They are still mild and far apart. The best thing you can do is distract yourself right now. Maybe go on a walk. That will help move things along.”

Niev nodded and Blake quickly went to get her shoes. While Niev sat down, Natalie tried to soothe her.

“I didn’t mean to upset you, but I need you to be realistic. I will monitor you and the fact that Blake’s wolf is so restless is a good sign.”

“I know. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I just don’t want to mentally prepare myself for the labor and the pain for it to be nothing.”

“No need to apologize. I’m right here if you need me.”

“We won’t run away.”

Blake kneeled before Niev and helped her into her shoes before pulling her to her feet and wrapping her in a thick jacket. A few minutes later, they were out of the house with Natalie. Niev climbed down the stairs, holding onto Blake as another contraction tightened below her ribs.

“If you like I can start setting everything up.”

Niev sighed. “I just hope it isn’t for nothing.”

Blake gently squeezed her hand. “Better to be overly prepared than not at all.”

“Okay, you two take your little walk while I get everything set up.”

Niev watched as Natalie calmly but quickly walked back to her house.