Page 9 of Alpha Awakening

Niev spent the morning studying and filling her notebook with tips and tricks. Life had quieted down quite a bit after the Lycan attack. The first few days back had been drowned in guilt over Kai’s death and even Julius’s passing. Blake soothed her whenever he could and since their funeral, she’d allowed him to ease her sadness even more.

She tried to keep herself busy with physical tasks, but pack life was much quieter then she was used to. She always felt as if she could do more or worried that something bad was about to happen. She’d been working so hard that this felt far too good to be true.

The only big event that was planned next was Tristan’s and Olivia’s commitment ceremony. Terra still didn’t approve, but Tristan didn’t care. He made it clear that he put Olivia above all others, even his mother. Olivia was slowly blooming, opening up to the world without fear.

Elias was still adjusting to his life with one arm and had shifted for the first time a couple of days ago. He’d been terrified of it, afraid he wouldn’t be able to shift. His wolf, though, knew exactly what to do and had no trouble.

After lunch with Christa, Niev spent the afternoon with Lyliann and Layla. It was gorgeous weather, so they sat in front of Layla’s house. Niev was sitting in the grass playing with Alizia and Darron while Layla and Lyliann watched them. Niev enjoyed her time with the kids. Being with them took away a lot of her anxiety over becoming a new mother.

After a while, Mayra joined them and it was her turn for the kids to overrun her. Mayra took them on her lap and hugged them tight, before letting them run into the wild again. Layla motioned for Niev to sit down next to them and handed her a glass of water.

“How have you been, sweetheart?” Mayra asked, motherly and worried as always.

“More tired, I guess, but that’s about all that I can feel changing.”

“Soon you’ll feel them move.”

“That’s when the fun starts,” Lyliann giggled.

“I’m excited but so anxious to feel them. It just makes it so much more real.”

“Are you still afraid of the birth?” Layla asked.

“I feel prepared, but I think I’m more scared of the pain than anything else.”

“We’ll be there to help you through it,” Mayra soothed her.

“Only if you want us of course,” Lyliann quickly added. “We won’t intrude.”

“I want you all to be part of it…” Niev hesitantly started. “But only if you want.”

“We’d love to, and we’ll make sure not to overcrowd or overwhelm you.”

Layla’s words eased Niev’s anxiety and made her feel loved in so many ways. “I guess it’ll be a first for all of us.” Due to her being pregnant with twins, this was new to everyone. Christa hadn’t even delivered twins before.

“We’ll all figure it out together,” Mayra reassured her.

Niev stayed for a little longer before going home, itching to see Blake. Though it was early, he was already walking out of the front door as she approached.

“I was just about to go look for you.”

“I was with Mayra, Layla, and Lyliann.”

“How are they?” Pulling her into a hug, he kissed her forehead.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his chest. “Good.”

“Ann just called back and said we can come visit her at any time.”

“Do you want to leave this week, so we’re back for Tristan’s and Olivia’s ceremony?

“I was thinking the same. I’ll call her back and let her know later. Tristan and I wanted to work a little on the house.”

“Is Olivia coming too?”

“Yes, we thought we could have dinner together. Have the girls been treating you right?”

“Yes, they’ve been amazing as always, but I have a feeling it’s only the calm before the storm.”