Page 86 of Alpha Awakening

“Good so far. We’ve been unpacking a lot and have met with Natalie, our midwife.”

“Ah yes, I remember those meetings and I can only tell you to take everything she says very seriously. I didn’t and after Darron was here Christa let me know what a let down I was for not remembering to encourage Lyliann to breathe properly.”

Blake heard Lyliann laugh in the background, “You never told me about that!”

“Well, I was a little embarrassed,” Seth admitted to Lyliann before turning his attention back to Blake. “How is Niev?”

“She has made many friends. She’s a natural, as always.”

“I didn’t expect anything less of her.”

“When will you come pick up the truck?”

“When I drive Lyliann and Mother to visit you. I’ll drive the truck back and then run to pick them back up.”

“Are you sure you don’t need it before then?”

“No, don’t worry about it.”

They both chatted for a little while longer before Blake hung up the phone and joined his mate in bed.

Little Penguin

The weeks passed by fast as she settled in. With Charlotte and Ann’s help, Niev slowly but surely got to know the pack. It wasn’t always easy, especially the feeling of depending on someone. Though the Timber Territory had been off the grid she’d always been able to do anything she wished on her own. The Montanha Wolves lived so secluded that Niev sometimes felt trapped. Her growing stomach wasn’t helping her in those moments either. At the beginning, she had asked Blake to go on small hikes that slowly turned into walks before they ended up being nothing more than waddled strolls around the lake.

The twins grew quickly and were soon fighting for space, kicking and stretching. They especially loved to dance the nights away, which kept her up a lot. Other than that, they were healthy and her pregnancy went without complications.

She stood in the kitchen, waiting for Blake to return home. He’d gone out with Fallon to get a feel for the mountains. He’d been spending a lot of time with Raymond and when he and Fallon got the chance, they went out for a run.

Blake was blooming in his new role. Though at times he felt insecure about his abilities, he was open about them with Raymond. They both had developed a good relationship and Raymond even slowly took little steps back, letting Blake take the lead.

The door opened and Blake came in, shirtless and with a big smile on his face.

“There is my beautiful woman.”

“You’re in a fantastic mood,” Niev giggled.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed his lips on hers. She reached up and pulled at his neck to deepen the kiss.

“How are you?” Blake dropped to his knees and kissed the ball that had become her stomach. “Have you two been good to your mom?”

“They have.”

Pushing his hands under her jumper, he laid his hands on her skin. “And you? Have you been putting your feet up like Natalie told you to?”

She pointed at the couch. “I have and even read a few books.”

“Good. Can’t have you go into early labor before my backup arrives.”

Niev couldn’t help but laugh. Blake was terrified of her going into labor before Mayra and Lyliann arrived the next morning. He’d begged her to stay home and rest. They, of course, knew the twins’ birth would be earlier than a single birth, which was why Mayra and Lyliann were already on their way.

“You two can come anytime after tomorrow, just not tonight,” Blake whispered to Aruna and Emlyn.

“Well let’s eat dinner and have an easy evening.”

Blake helped her grab the plates and fill their glasses before following her to the couch.

“My little penguin,” he laughed as he sat down next to her. “Do your feet hurt again?”