“You’re a very lucky man, Blake.”
“I sure am.”
Lesley handed Blake a full basket. “I would suggest you run as far from here as you can before you get stuck.”
“Maybe you should get out of here too. I’m sure there are plenty of pretty ladies out there who would throw themselves at you,” Niev grinned.
“Now who’s being cheeky.”
Blake pulled out his wallet, but Lesley shook his head.
“This one’s on me, but only if you promise to take care of her.”
“I insist.”
Lesley grinned at Blake. “Of course, you do.”
As Blake paid Lesley, Niev looked around and saw a lot of curious eyes glued on them. She would definitely be the gossip of town for the next month–as would her parents.
Pulling her into a side hug, Lesley tenderly squeezed her. “Was nice seeing you again!” Shaking Blake’s hand, he repeated, “Take care of her.”
Niev took hold of Blake’s arm again and flashed Lesley a smile as she waved goodbye. “Thank you.”
As they walked back, she could feel Blake’s curiosity burning.
“You know you can ask me anything, right?” Niev reminded him.
“I wasn’t sure if that was allowed.”
“I don’t have secrets.”
“Was he your first?”
“He still adores you.”
“I believe so.”
“And you still like him.”
“I do, but you and I both know I’m yours, just like you are mine.”
“Yes I am.”
He helped her into the truck and placed the basket between the two of them before driving off.
“I enjoyed that. We’ll be the gossip of town.”
“It was quite the exit,” Blake chuckled.
Closer to the evening, they arrived at Jason’s place. Jason said he would buy dinner if they bought dessert, so they showed up armed with ice cream.
“Should we have picked up a movie too?”
“You’re cute,” Niev giggled as they walked up to Jason’s apartment. “That’s so old fashioned.”
“I guess I have to act my age,” Blake retorted with a laugh.