Page 67 of Alpha Awakening

Tristan shook his head.

“I was going to see her later.”

“I might come, but don’t tell Olivia.”

“We’ll make an excuse to leave. If all goes bad, I’ll ask Father to make sure she stays away.”

Tristan now seemed nervous himself.

“Is it still just us, Katharina, and Clarence?”

“Yes, I asked Alpha Tanner too if he would like to join but Mayra declined since she didn’t want Olivia to be uncomfortable.”

“Sounds like something Mother would do.”

Tristan and Blake made the excuse to grab a few things to help them hang up the decorations outside and then walked over to Terra’s house. With a shaking hand, Tristan knocked on her door while Blake stood behind him.

Terra opened the door, her face turning hard as soon as she saw who was before her. “What is it?”

“I wanted to see if you’ll be at our ceremony tomorrow.”

“No.” Her answer came out cold and without hesitation.

“I was hoping you would come and welcome Olivia into our family.”

“You are no longer my family.”

“Mother, please. Just give her a chance. She has done nothing to hurt anyone. I’m certain Father would’ve approved of her.”

“Your father is no longer here and would’ve straightened you out long before I tried.”

“You’re being unreasonable. Olivia is a lovely woman.”

“I see she has you wrapped around her fingers.” Terra turned and slammed the door behind her.

Tristan’s whole body shook, and Blake couldn’t tell if it was disappointment or anger. Blake gently laid his hand on his best friend’s shoulder, pulling him away from the door.

“Let’s go.”

Reluctantly Tristan let Blake push him off the porch and lead him back to the village. They took the long way around, giving Tristan time to process what just happened.

“I just don’t get how she can be this hostile. Olivia didn’t do anything wrong.”

Blake had an idea of why, but he was sure Tristan wouldn’t like it. “I might have an idea.”

Tristan looked at him, confusion and curiousness mixing with the sadness.

“Look, since your dad died you’ve been all she had. She’s never had to share you. Maybe it’s not really about Olivia but her wanting you all for herself.”

“But she knew this would happen.”

“You’re quite an old man. Maybe she hoped it would never happen.”

Tristan playfully punched Blake’s shoulder. “You’re an asshole.”

“Well, you are old. I’m surprised that Olivia doesn’t call you grandpa,” Blake started laughing. “Well, unless you two are into that.”

“Fuck you!”