Page 3 of Alpha Awakening

“I only need my phone and wallet. Don’t have a key for the house–which still feels weird by the way.”

He chuckled. She hadn’t grown up in a safe place where everyone trusted one another. No one locked their doors; they just didn’t feel the need for it. She took her phone and wallet from the counter while he grabbed a small snack and bottle of water for her. She gratefully smiled up at him, took his hand in hers, and walked out the house.

“Thank you for taking such good care of me. I know I can be stubborn and it’s not always easy to have me around.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

They walked down the little path that led them to the pack’s village. Seth was already waiting outside his house, the truck parked just a few feet away.

He grinned at them as they came closer. “Had a good sleep in?”

“Don’t say that or you’ll make Niev feel bad for it.”

Seth laughed and pulled Niev into a tight hug. “I’m just teasing you.”

“Okay,” she said, still with a little bit of guilt in her voice.

Blake loved seeing his brother with Niev. Seth usually wasn’t this affectionate with anyone. Being the future alpha had hardened him over the years. Since he and Niev had overcome their initial troubles, he’d warmed up to her, even taking her in like a little sister.

“Did you two have breakfast yet? Lyliann has packed us something to go.”

As if that was her cue the door opened and Lyliann came walking out of the house and came closer. “You three have fun. Don’t forget to stop at the store for me, Seth.”

“I won’t.”

Seth leaned down and hugged her before kissing her goodbye. Blake helped Niev into the truck where she sat in the middle of the bench seat. Seth settled into the driver’s seat while Blake laid an arm round Niev.

“What store do you need to stop at?” Niev asked curiously.

“She asked me to pick up some clothes for Darron. There’s a store with secondhand clothes she likes.”

“Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to go there without her?” Niev giggled teasingly.

“Oh, don’t worry, she gave me a list and has talked to the owner. All I have to do is pick up everything.”

“Very well organized.”

She giggled and Seth laughed. Seth usually wouldn’t let anyone talk to him like that, but he and Niev had a special relationship.

Blake held her tight, resting her head on his shoulder. “Maybe we can go together and you can find something for Emlyn and Aruna,” he suggested.

“I would love that.”

Even though she’d slept in, he felt her tiredness. With his free hand he took hers in his and let his thumb circle on her palm. As they drove down the highway toward Clemont, she fell asleep.

“Is this Jason trustworthy?” Seth asked as they got closer to Niev’s old apartment.

“Do you think I would leave her with him if I thought he wasn’t?”

“Of course not.” Seth gave a sleeping Niev a protective look. “I don’t think I would ever forgive myself if anything happened to her. She brought so much joy to your life. I couldn’t bear seeing you hurt again.”

“I never thought I would hear you say anything so nice to me.”

“I might hate your guts, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you happy,” he chuckled amused.

“Thanks, I hate you too,” Blake returned before gently nudging Niev. “Beautiful, it’s time to wake up.”

She opened her eyes and gazed at her surroundings, a little confused. “I slept the whole way?”