“How do you bury them in the rocks?”
Beta Fallon pointed at the trunk of the tree. “We lay them to rest there, beneath the roots. While our goddess soaks up their energy, the wildlife will take care of everything else.”
Blake gently pushed her closer and to a rock. Sitting down, Niev gazed up into the tree’s canopy. The leaves were a rich green color and now that she looked closer, she could see the nests the birds had built all over.
“This was definitely worth the hike.”
Handing her another water and a snack Blake nodded. “It was.”
Leaning against Blake, she soaked up the moment of victory. She’d made it all by herself. She’d climbed the mountain. Her legs felt tired though, and she was glad the hike back would be much easier.
“May I ask something personal?” Beta Fallon seemed hesitant, but his curiosity seemed greater.
Blake nodded.
“Are you alpha just like your brother? I mean I can feel it but it’s not… well… strong as I would expect.”
“I’m just as much alpha as my brother, though my wolf and I have learned to suppress it.”
“You’ve accepted your brother as your alpha and therefore, you’ve learned to submit to him?”
“I have. It hasn’t been an easy path, but Niev and our bond has helped me immensely. My wolf pulls strength from her, and she calms him in return. I’ve focused my attention on her instead of obsessing about having to submit.”
Beta Fallon nodded. “I understand.”
Blake’s previous good mood was slightly dampened, Niev could sense the dark spiral he was about to descend. Wanting to distract him, she reached for the backpack. He saw her and quickly picked it up himself.
“Still hungry?”
“Did we pack anything sweet?”
He chuckled and grabbed a chocolate bar. “Maybe this will satisfy your sweet tooth until we get back.”
Not wanting to take up more of Beta Fallon’s time, Niev suggested going back after only about forty minutes of observing her surroundings. While Blake shifted, Niev concentrated on anything but his transformation. When he was so close, she could feel a shadow of his broken bones and still hadn’t gotten used to it.
‘Ready?’ Blake asked.
“I think so.”
Beta Fallon seemed confused as he looked at her, unsure who she was speaking to.
Niev giggled and quickly explained, “Blake asked if I was ready.”
Amusement swept over his face. “I see.”
“Will we be able to come back on another day? I’m sure we can find the way ourselves if we are allowed to come alone.”
“Of course. This is not a secret place. You may come at any time.”
Running her hand through Blake’s black fur, she kissed his muzzle. “Maybe we can come back another day.”
‘It would be my pleasure.’
As they walked down the path back to the village the sun burned down on them just as Beta Fallon had predicted. Blake made her stop quite a bit and nudged her to grab a bottle from the bag he carried between his canines. As her bottles ran out, Beta Fallon eagerly gave her some of the ones he’d brought with him, along with a few snacks.
“Luna Charlotte will think I haven’t taken care of you if I return the bag untouched.”
She giggled. “Though she seems like a wonderful woman, I wouldn’t wanna risk being on her bad side.”