Page 38 of Scarred Hearts

Mr. Knight shook his head. “No one wants to die while we’re working.”

I felt a familiar feeling in my throat and instantly wished Chance would sit down and hush. He gave my shoulder a small squeeze before he lowered his hand to his side and roamed the room near the desk.

“What if I do get these people wasted? You have Amber, and whoever else, give them a show in Blue. Ivan shows up at my movie premieres. He fucking loves me. He loves to get shitfaced and party so I’m definitely your guy for that.”

“Okay,” Luke raised a hand, “slow down, Dionysus.”

Chance placed his hands on his hips, an indignant huff escaping him. “I only take it as a compliment when you compare me to a god, Luke.”

“It’s a good idea,” Declan chimed in with a chuckle, coming to a stop on the other side of me. “The Russians are still like us in many ways. They love parties. And they really love when they’re catered to.”

“Hmm,” Chance lifted a finger to his chin, tightening his mischievous eyes on Mr. Knight. “Just like someone else I know.”

He shot Chance a death stare.

“I don’t like this at all.” Tyler took a step forward. “Gia’s going to get hurt.”

I found myself blushing at his protective tone, fighting back a nervous smile. Then, I reminded myself that I was ready for a little payback just to fuck with him. It also gave me a chance to stand up to the family who tried to ruin me.

Mr. Knight snuffed his cigarette out in the ashtray on the corner of his desk. “Not if you keep an eye on her.”

“Luke told me to stay out of it,” he countered.

“Well, now you’re involved!” Mr. Knight spat.

“Fine.” He rolled his eyes.

Standing tall, I crossed my arms high on my chest and stared directly at Tyler. “I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. You can enjoy the show, but I won’t need your protection. Don’t forget the kind of family I come from.”

Mr. Knight raised an eyebrow, his gaze flickering between us. When Tyler remained silent, he turned to Chance. “You better be right about this.”

“He is,” Declan interjected with confidence.

After meticulously reviewing their plan one final time, Mr. Knight rose from his seat and walked over to me. “How did it go with my wife this morning?”

“Really well!” I exclaimed, picking up my bags from the chair and slipping them over my shoulder. “We had a lot of fun. I love her.”

A soft grin touched the corners of his lips. “She loves you too.” His eyes shifted back to Tyler. “You can handle this, right?”

“Yeah, I got it,” Tyler snapped back, irritation evident in his voice.

“Good,” Mr. Knight responded calmly, “no blood tonight.”




There was so much to say. A dense fog had clouded my mind with many thoughts ever since I walked out on her. Not last night. Several years ago. I wanted to come clean about some things but wasn’t sure if I was ready.

The need to protect her had only grown stronger. Admitting it was hard for me. In the past, I’d always been one to keep my feelings suppressed. But my family could see right through it even before I told a few of them.

Besides my own reasons, would Giovanna even want to be in my life since I was a single father? Would she be able to handle being with someone who had already started a family? It was something I couldn’t fault her for if she couldn’t handle it. After all, they weren’t even my biological kids, even though in my heart they were. If she chose not to stick around, I could never blame her for that decision because my kids weren’t her responsibility.

Club Euphoria’s ambient music was the only sound to fill the silence in the elevator as we descended into what I hoped wouldn’t turn out to be a disaster. Chance had gone ahead, using his celebrity influence to charm and schmooze with the Russians.

Amber, Jenna, and Lonnie were getting ready to dance in the Blue Lounge, while Declan set up a seductive room for Ekaterina. When they finished dancing, the girls and Chance would lead the men to the main showroom in VIP, keeping them distracted while Declan worked his magic on Ekaterina in a private room. Kirsten knew to stay clear so she wouldn’t be seen. Ivan would arrive at Luxe for his private dance, unaware of what was truly happening behind the scenes.