“Do you like him?” She held up her hands in a gesture of openness. “Be honest. I swear it’s fine. Like I said, I just want him happy. He’s been so miserable, but when I ask him if he misses Mila, he says he just feels guilty.”
My lips pressed together in a thin line as I considered my answer. “Yeah, but it’s complicated,” I finally replied. “He’s still healing from whatever he’s feeling at this point, and I just don’t want him to feel like he’s being pressured. He gave me a ride home last night from work, and he tried to get away as fast as he could.” And now, as much as I hate to admit it, I was craving his touch again. Ugh.
She shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly. “He’ll get over it eventually. Can I tell you a secret?”
I snorted, “Duh!”
We bent in closer to each other at the same time. “Ty’s possessive as hell,” she whispered. “The kind of guy who would kill anyone who dared to touch what he sees as his.” I nodded, and she continued, “He wants what he can’t have, but he’s also as stubborn as a sticker a kid puts on a car window. And sadly, I think if you want to be with him, you’re going to have to push him to his limit and break him.”
“You bitch!” I joked, cackling at her blunt honesty. Then, realizing who I was talking to, I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, forgetting for a moment that she was my boss’s wife, not my best friend. My ring clanked against my tooth, and I winced in pain, thinking for sure that I had knocked it out. “I’m so sorry,” I mumbled behind my hand before lowering it sheepishly.
“No,” she laughed loudly, fanning a hand in front of her face. “It’s okay.” She exhaled, gaining her composure. “I’m doing this for his own good. I didn’t wish anything bad on her but she’s not coming back, and it’s been over a year. If he gave me a reason other than guilt, I’d be a little more guarded. So, you have my blessing for whatever happens next.”
She was sick, but funny. She reminded me a lot of my relationship with Luca before he disappeared, and it made me slightly sad to think about his whereabouts. But he was gone, and I had to fight the feeling of missing him again. One day, he’d resurface, and we’d talk. For now, I had to focus on what mattered. Work, and the life I’d made in Boston.
Jenna’s new bodyguard, Beau, approached the table, bending toward her. “Mrs. Knight?”
She looked up at the six-foot-five, threatening-looking brunette with piercing toffee eyes. “Yes?”
“Mr. Knight needs me to escort you back to the office in thirty.”
She nodded with a smile. “Is everything good?”
Stoic and professional, Beau pressed his earpiece and muttered something before bowing his head slightly. “It’s routine, ma’am.”
She flickered her gaze. “Routine at the club could mean anything from a birthday flower delivery to Luke peeling someone’s skin off again.” Turning her attention back to me, she beamed. “Anyway, I’m glad we did this, and we should again soon.”
I matched her expression with a smile of my own. “Agreed!”
As I went about my day, the words of our conversation played on a loop in my mind. The mundane task of grocery shopping was made slightly more enjoyable by the thought of getting a little revenge on her brother. After all, he’d left me in a difficult situation the night before. I even took a trip to the animal shelter to donate food, toys, and blankets, then played with a few animals for an hour.
Afterward, I collapsed onto my bed for a much-needed nap, my mind still buzzing with thoughts of payback. When it was time to head to work, I dragged myself out of bed and made my way to the club. As soon as Jade saw me enter the executive lobby, she threw her arms around me in delight.
“Ahhh, so excited to see you back here.”
“Thank you,” I croaked in her tight grip.
She took a step back. “Sorry.”
I smiled. “Don’t apologize; it’s sweet.”
She lifted her chin toward the black double doors. “Mr. Knight’s waiting for you with Luke.”
Offering her a nod, I sped across the room, knocking twice on the door.
The door flew open, and Ice Man’s gaze lowered to mine. He greeted me briefly with a nod and a murmur as I entered the office. The door clicked closed behind me.
Chance was sprawled out on the couch, scrolling through his phone. Declan lounged in a chair by the door, one leg casually draped over the armrest. Nico perched on the other end of the sofa’s arm from Chance. Tyler and Luke stood near the side of the room, both looking tense and agitated. When Tyler’s eyes landed on me, they narrowed, like he was upset with me.
Yikes. Remaining confident and trying to pretend he wasn’t in the room, I politely greeted everyone at once as I came to a stop in front of the desk. When I got ready to greet Mr. Knight, he reared back in his chair, lacing his fingers together behind his head.
“Sit,” he ordered, bowing his head at one of the chairs in front of him.
Feeling a shiver run down my spine at his tone, I obeyed, sitting in the chair on the left. I placed my duffle bag and handbag on the seat next to me before turning to face him. “Yes, sir?”
“We have some special guests arriving, and I need you to take care of them for me,” he stated matter-of-factly.
A small smile tugged at my lips, and I nodded. “Okay.”