“Holy shit,” Declan chuckled, brushing past me.
I spun around as Kirsten entered, the door closing behind her. I gawked at her. “I told you to tell no one!”
She opened her mouth to reply but he spoke first, “In her defense, she didn’t tell me shit.”
I didn’t bother to rush for a blanket because I didn’t care. Rolling my eyes, I tried to cross my arms but due to the current circumstances, that was out of the question. Kirsten was still in shock. I could practically hear her mind racing with questions.
“Nice necklace.” Declan winked, reaching in his pocket, pulling out a little metal tool.
“Oh shit,” I exhaled, gripping the belt, struggling.
He reached over, freeing me, then dropped it to the floor. He held his hand out. Sighing, I put my wrists up in front of me, blowing my tousled hair out of my eyes. Taking each cuff, he unlocked them in a split second then set them on the nearby table.
“Thank you,” I said, pulling my wrists to my chest, taking turns rubbing them.
“Mmhm,” he replied. “Now, who’s ass do I need to kick for fucking with you?”
I stared silently between them.
“Oh no,” Kirsten giggled.
“What?” Declan glanced back and forth.
“Tyler was here, wasn’t he?” she asked, a mischievous grin on her face.
I fucked up. I knew I did. I got caught up in the past. And after one wrong phrase in the heat of the moment, she returned me to the reality I was living in. Scarred. And because of the past leaving me with deep wounds, she was left standing naked and half-fucked, handcuffed in her doorway with my belt around her neck while I bailed. Forever never scared me until now. These days, it was about the only thing that terrified me.
She was innocent, perfect even. And yet, because of the past and the constant loss of those close to me, I couldn’t risk putting her in harm’s way. People who were close to me kept seeming to die in some way or another.
I made a promise at Mila’s grave that I’d never put another woman in her position. So, I kept my distance from Giovanna, despite how much I wanted to be near her. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to her because of me.
When I got home, I poured a glass of whiskey, and paced the kidless mansion. It was built in 1919, nestled in the Cottage Farm District about five miles from Ian and Jenna’s and up until a few weeks ago, every noise made me think Mila was haunting me. Now, the sun would rise in a couple of hours, and the house was eerily quiet.
I picked up my phone multiple times, wanting to reach out and apologize to Giovanna for my actions. But I knew boundaries needed to be set, or she would end up hurt. My family would never forgive me if she left again, but if she died because of me, I could never forgive myself.
In front of the black metal fireplace in my bedroom, I paced back and forth. Completely consumed in my thoughts, I reminisced about how lost I was when I went to visit her in Los Angeles. And how found I thought I was earlier when I took her home.
Jade’s words had taken root in my mind, and now my biggest enemy was myself. I felt torn and confused, unsure of what to do next. She was right. Mila and I were never meant to be together; we were too different and our relationship was a constant struggle to maintain balance. It had worked for a while, but in the end, we were falling apart behind closed doors.
If she hadn’t died, our marriage may have only lasted another year. And that was if I walked away first. Jade’s threat had likely been the reason she stayed with me, which made me feel like a terrible person. I appreciated her loyalty and support, but I didn’t like involving others in my personal matters.
As I set down my empty glass, I pressed my fingers to my temples and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. The lingering scent of Giovanna’s perfume still clung to my skin. Absent-mindedly reaching down to my slacks, I realized my belt was missing. “Fuck.” With a sigh, I unfastened the button, slouching back into the chair in front of the fireplace.
Taking my cock out, I stroked gently at first, imagining her pussy wrapped tight around it again. Laying my head back and lifting my shirt, I closed my eyes. Her long pink hair spread out around her head as she peered up at me with trusting eyes.
My cock twitched in my hand, remembering the past again; her bent over my lap while I spanked her ass and pussy before slipping my fingers deep inside her, forcing her to squirt all over me for the first time. She couldn’t take it anymore and stood, straddling my lap and riding me until I spilled cum deep inside that stupid condom. It felt amazing, but I longed to feel the real her, and tonight I only got a taste.
Gripping my shaft harder, I stroked faster, my mind filled with thoughts of protecting her, and keeping her for my own pleasure. Damnit, I want her. I need her. But this was as close as I’d ever allow myself to get to her again. She felt so fucking good. It was better than I remembered, if that was even possible.
With a tight grip on my throbbing cock, I released streams of hot, sticky cum onto my stomach. My eyes darted to a photo of Mila and I, displayed proudly on the bookcase next to the fireplace. In a sudden panic, I lunged off the chair and snatched up the frame, slamming it face down. “Shit!”
When I arrived at Euphoria the next morning, and pulled open the executive doors, Jade was busy at her desk on a call and didn’t look pleased. Offering a wave, I strode by toward my office, poking my head in Jenna’s office first. She looked up, cocking her brow.