Page 109 of Scarred Hearts

“He is,” he glimpsed over his shoulder, “but I’m escorting you out too.” He took two more drags of his smoke, then snuffed it out in the ashtray on his desk. “First, Tyler wants to talk to you before we go out there.” He took out his phone, texting for a minute, then slid it back into place.

Seconds later, the door opened, and Tyler stepped in with a smirk. I was shocked to see he was no longer donned in his designer, formal suit but instead was dressed in a black track suit. Ian offered him a nod and strode to the doorway, twisting around.

“I’ll be in the hall.” He shut the door.

Tyler took my hands in his, backing me into the desk. Picking me up, he perched me on the edge. “He’s guarding the door so we can talk.”

“Is that why you changed clothes?”

Taking my hands in his, he exhaled a deep breath. “You don’t need to worry about anything other than selling your fight with Nadia and then kicking Ivan’s ass tonight.”

Something was going on with him. I’d never seen him so distracted in his eyes. But I trusted that he knew what he was doing.

“Okay,” I replied, stretching my arms around his neck. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He slithered his fingers up my shorts, pulling my panties to the side and fondling my pussy. Dipping a finger inside me, he stroked my insides before pulling his digit out, pressing it into his mouth. “I need to get back out there and entertain the stupid Mussolini family.”

“Ugh,” I groaned. “You’re a tease.”

“I’m going to fuck your brains out later tonight.” He gave me a quick peck on the corner of my lips, then strode to the door, pulling it open.

Ian stepped inside, whispering something to him on the way.

Tyler nodded, muttering, “The afterparty’s a go,” on the way out.

“Afterparty?” I asked as the door closed again.

Ian meandered over with a smug grin. “You don’t need to worry about anything.”

Picking my gloves up off the desk, he slipped them onto my hands and adjusted the wrists. Once he was done, he tugged the door open. I heard the announcer calling out Nadia’s name as she entered the ring.

Pausing just before the entrance, I took several deep breaths, shaking off any nerves and preparing myself for the fight we rehearsed until exhaustion. I heard Luca’s shrill whistle over everyone else in the crowd of three hundred, and I snickered. They’d gotten back together, and I was happy for them, but he was supposed to pretend to be on my side at the very least.

Ian gave my elbow a squeeze. “I got you, don’t worry, sis.”

I snapped my gaze up to his, realizing that in just one year, he and Jenna would be my brother and sister. My heart swelled with warmth and delight, and suddenly I felt like I could take on the world. A cheesy grin escaped me, and he suddenly pulled something from his pocket.

“You can’t propose to me too,” I joked as he presented a black box.

He rolled his eyes, opening it. “Open.”

I opened my mouth, and he pushed my mouthguard onto my teeth. The announcer called my name, and my entrance song began: Burn by 2WEI and Edda Hayes. Nico led us out, with Ian keeping my pace as I made my way to the ring.

Losing myself in the lyrics, I repeated them in my head:

You can try to break me

I cut my teeth on people like you

It’s gonna take a lot more to take me down

I’m a step ahead, watch me wearing my crown

I pictured myself destroying the family who’d hurt me for so long.

The ring was surrounded by tables and chairs, forming a perfect circle. The air was thick with the scent of alcohol and smoke, and in the dim lighting, it was hard to miss the occasional flash of white powder being consumed off tables or even skin. As I made my way to the front, cheers erupted from the crowd, their voices blending into a harsh excitement.

Passing by our families and friends, I offered a smile to Tyler, who winked at me in approval. He seemed pleased as I followed Ian into the ring. His announcement was met with more cheers, but my mind was elsewhere, focused on the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I prepared for what was to come.