Page 16 of Mutual Obsessions

After Ryker finished his burger, I paid the bill, and we left Mort-vivant. “Can we take a walk?” I wanted to have a more intimate discussion with Ryker.

“Sure. Which way?” Ryker had slid my right hand through the crook of his elbow.

“I don’t care. I can take a car back to my house. I can’t usually talk anyone into walking with me.”

Ryker patted my hand. “Let’s head toward my house, okay? I can drive you back home.”

I could tell by the scents that we were headed up Canal, which was fine. Dauphine was a beautiful neighborhood with colorful, mixed housing styles: Creole cottage, Italianate, craftsman, just to name a few. I didn’t know where Ryker lived, but I was sure it was lovely.

“Have you done a lot of traveling?”

We, as a family, had moved many times over the years. As Ryker would see in our financial portfolio, we owned multiple properties around the world. Our ownership could likely be explained as simply investment properties or inheritances from extended family over time, though Ryker was damn smart and might see through the flimsy bullshit Etienne would likely make up. My host wasn’t quick on his feet regarding things of the sort.

I could hear brisk footsteps behind us, so I stopped, tasting the air. A human was fast approaching us, and I could sense, based on the quick pace and the thumping heartbeat, that Ryker was in danger.

“Give me my sight now. You can hear it just as well as me.”

You’re the one who decided to leave the safety of our home with him. You knew the risks. If he is harmed, it’s your fault. Fucking Etienne and his stupid goddamn grudge.

Ryker touched both of my arms. “Are you okay, Stephen? I wish I could give you back your sight. What can you hear?”

I exhaled, considering giving back control to Etienne, but then the fucker would think he’d won the war. “Someone is approaching. Go hide in the shadows.”

“I’m not going to leave you here alone, Stephen. Come on. I’m sure nobody’s going to harm us. We’re just a few blocks from my house.”

If I wasn’t sure Etienne would wimp out on defending Ryker, I’d drop-kick his ass in the middle of this clusterfuck and let him get his smug face rubbed in the grime on the sidewalk before he pushed me back out to handle the altercation. Since his confrontation with Killian over Rory, Etienne was slower to challenge an aggressor.

“Ryker, please. Step into the shadows. I don’t suppose you’d consent to—”

“Gimme your wallet, your cell phone, and any jewelry you two pretty boys are wearing, or I’ll gut you both.”

“Mother fucker.” I folded my cane and held it out in Ryker’s direction.

“Dude, seriously? I’ll kick your ass.” That was sweet Ryker making a heroic stand on my behalf.

The fucking moron who thought it was a good idea to rob us lunged, which I sensed, so I stepped in front of Ryker, the blade striking my abs and breaking. My skin was impenetrable by human weapon standards. To maintain the illusion I was human, I fell to my knees, and the stupid crook ran like a pussy.

“Oh fuck! Let me call an ambulance. Please, Stephen, don’t die.” I quickly slid my metal wallet from my back pocket into my front to give the illusion it had stopped the blade.

Ryker helped me roll to my back and began tugging at my clothes. “Where’d he get you?”

I slowly sat up and took Ryker’s hands in mine. “He didn’t stab me. He got my wallet instead.” I reached into my pocket, scratched my nail over it to dent it, and produced the small rectangular wallet with a piece of metal on each side of the contents, showing it to Ryker.

He was quiet for a moment before he began laughing hard. “I can’t fucking believe it.”

You’ve got to be kidding me. I could hear the sarcasm in Etienne’s voice, so I chose that moment to strike another blow, so to speak.

“Go out with me tomorrow night? We survived a near-death experience that should be celebrated.” We stood from the sidewalk, and Ryker proceeded to dust me off. Feeling his hands on my body was superb. When his palm accidentally drifted over my hard cock, his breath hitched.

“I, uh, are you… Are you currently seeing anyone?” Ryker’s heartbeat picked up with his question as he put my right hand on his shoulder to balance me, though I didn’t need it.

He bent forward and picked up my cane where he’d dropped it, putting it in my left hand as I answered. “No. I haven’t actually dated in quite a while.” Then, I knocked it out of the guilt park. “The, uh, the blind thing turns most guys off.”

You lying cochon! I laughed. Calling me a pig was aggressive for Etienne.

“I’d love to go out with you. I’ll pick you up at your place tomorrow night at seven. There’s this great pizza place outside the city. Do you like pizza?”

You better say no!