Page 11 of Mutual Obsessions

He reached up and felt it, smiling. “I thought I imagined that chick last night. I got home about seven last night—airport was fucking nuts. Anyway, Cubby was here with a cute dude and the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. They were packing Cubby’s shit.

“All of a sudden, the woman followed me to my room, and begged me to let her ride my dick. You know I never turn down a fuck, and man, she was fantastic. Just before I was about to come, she bit my neck. I didn’t give a fuck, man. I blew hard. Now I’m just worried if I knocked her up or picked up an STI because I didn’t cover it.”

I laughed. “You gotta be more careful, Lance. When do you leave?”

“Wednesday. We should get a beer before I go.” Lance put both hands on the door facing, not embarrassed of his morning wood saluting me. The guy was a piece of work.

“Yeah, okay. I’ve gotta work late tonight, but how about tomorrow night? For a drink, I mean.”

“Sounds good. Anyway, Cubby wasn’t very talkative yesterday evening. Hell, for that matter, the chick wasn’t talkative either. Just full of action. Cubby’s guy said Cubby was moving in with him until they went to Colorado at the end of the June. I didn’t know Cubby was partnered up.”

I exhaled and glanced at my watch. “Neither did I. Anyway, man, I gotta get to work. You need help with anything?” Not that I had time because the document production would be filling my day.

“Naw. I’m gonna go get some boxes today and pack up my shit. I’ll put them in the mail to send to my parents’ house and then fly home on Wednesday. I rented the furniture along with the room. I guess I just leave it?”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. Alexa bought new stuff when she moved in. That’s why her shit is gone.” I’d just remembered that detail as we spoke, and suddenly, I wondered where the hell I was going to move.

I hadn’t planned to move anywhere until the case was over, but obviously, I needed to vacate the house since I couldn’t afford to rent the whole place, nor would I want all that space.

“Ah, that’s right. Anyway, have a good day.” Lance went back to his room and closed the door.

I hurried downstairs and out the front door, deciding to walk instead of drive. Again, my mind was spinning with too many questions and strange information that didn’t answer any of them.

When had Cubby and Rory Tremblay hung out so that they were moving in together? Why hadn’t Cubby said goodbye to me? Were we still best friends? Had the world spun off its axis while I was in the war room for the weekend?

I arrived at my building, having avoided Royal Street, and when I got to my tiny office, I found a note on my door to see Mr. Danvert. I hoped to fuck I hadn’t screwed something up with the case.

I walked down the hallway and knocked on the door. “Yes.”

I opened the door to see a client in Mr. Danvert’s office. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I thought it might be urgent.”

Mr. Danvert motioned me inside. “Thanks for coming. This project might be something up your alley since you’ve expressed an interest in working with charitable organizations. Take a seat, DeWitt.”

I stepped inside and closed the door. When I turned to the guest, I was shocked to see Etienne Tremblay stand and extend his hand. “DeWitt? Is that a first name or a last?”

What the hell was Etienne Tremblay doing in my boss’ s office? When had I ever talked to Danvert about working with nonprofit organizations?

Chapter Seven


“Stephen Tremblay, meet one of our aspiring young law clerks, Ryker DeWitt. Ryker, Mr. Tremblay is a new client who is looking to create a 501(c)(3) corporation. I thought we could work on this project together.”

I stared at Stephen Tremblay for a moment. “Are you one of the owners of The House of Tremblay?”

He was wearing dark glasses, and as I glanced at him, I saw a white cane folded and resting on his lap. What the hell?

Stephen grinned and nodded as he extended his hand. “I see you’ve met my twin brother, Etienne. I obviously don’t work in the restaurant, so I run the family finances. I’ve been doing some research and discussed creating a charity with part of our family fortune to help those in need here in New Orleans.”

I had to have lost my mind—or maybe I was dreaming? I pinched my leg, hard. Nope.

“That…yes, uh, that’s a noble endeavor, Mr. Tremblay.” What the hell was I supposed to say?

“Mr. Danvert explained the necessary steps, and it sounds quite involved. Will you have time for this, what with your responsibilities here at the firm?”

Danvert spoke up. “Oh, Mr. Tremblay, we’ll make time for Ryker to work on the legal aspects of establishing your charity. Please, don’t be concerned about that.

“If you gentlemen will excuse me, I need to join a preliminary hearing, so, DeWitt, you speak with Mr. Tremblay to get the specifics. You’ve arranged for delivery of the discovery documents to the clerk’s office and opposing counsel, yes?”