Gritting my teeth, I swing the door open to find Kitty and Jasmine rubbing their pussies against each other, their heads thrown back in ecstasy. A light sheen of sweat covers their smooth, pale skin. Their hands are a frenzy of pinching and squeezing each other as they continue to fuck.
When Kitty notices my presence, she meets my gaze and simply squeezes one of Jasmine’s perky tits, earning a low moan from her, and shoots me an innocent look. Their pace doesn’t let up.
“Sorry, Nashie, but you took too long and we got bored.”
I roll my neck from side to side and try to ignore how hard my cock is throbbing at the sight of them scissoring on my bed. It’s every teenage boy’s wet dream, but for me, it happens almost every second night. “I warned you there would be a punishment if either of you came without me.”
Jasmine leans forward and runs her tongue up the base of Katie’s neck before looking at me, batting her eyelashes innocently. “Whoops.”
Now this is how I want to end my night—buried between two pussies ready for me. But even as Kitty bounces on my cock and Jasmine rides my tongue, coming all over my face, I find it hard to get the little devil’s soft doe eyes out of my head.
10 years old.
Walking onto the set of my first big television job is like walking into a candy store. The studio lights around the set are so bright, and everyone is moving at a fast pace, zipping by me. All I can do is stare in awe as I walk toward my dressing room with my parents on either side of me.
I never thought I would get the chance to come to a big city like Los Angeles. It’s much bigger than Hart.
“When do I get started?” I ask my mommy, turning to look up at her as we walk into a small room. “I want to go meet the other kids.”
Mommy stops to close the door behind us, so I turn away from her and look around. There’s a wardrobe on one side, a single dark brown couch in the middle with a beige shag rug beneath it, a makeup vanity on the opposite wall, and a table full of snacks, candy, and soda beside it. Somehow, everything fits into the room without it feeling too cramped. I hate feeling cramped.
“Soon, honey,” Mommy finally responds. “You just have to be patient.” She drops to her knees in front of me and straightens out the collar of my plaid dress, her red fingernails scraping against my neck. “This is the first day of your biggest job to date. We expect you to be at your best, okay, Kin? A lot is riding on this for your father and me, so please don’t make us look bad.”
I frown. Why would I want to make my parents look bad? I love them. If they want me to do well, then I’m going to be the best I can be. I rehearsed my lines for hours last night, to the point I fell asleep on top of my duvet with pieces of paper beside me. I have the lines nailed. I’m ready.
“You’re only used to doing commercials, so this is the big leagues, Kin. This television show is going to catapult your career right into Hollywood. Just wait and see,” Mommy says.
I don’t mind being an actress, but I would prefer to play in the garden with my friends or ride my bike around the neighborhood. But Mommy said being an actress will guarantee lots of money in the future when I’m older. I don’t know why a person needs lots of money, but I didn’t bring that up with her.
I just want to make her happy and proud of me. Same with Daddy.
“I promise I’ll do my best, Mommy,” I smile, and rock on the heels of the little black shoes she dressed me in this morning before we left the hotel.
Mommy smiles, her eyes twinkling. “That’s my little girl. Daddy and I are so proud of you.”
“That we are, kiddo.” Daddy ruffles my hair with his hand, and I giggle, trying to swat his hand away. I can’t let him mess up my hair that Mommy worked so hard on this morning.
“Two minutes until cameras are rolling,” a voice calls from the doorway. But when I look over, the door is open and no one is there.
Mommy stands and places both of her hands on my shoulders. The perfume she sprayed on her wrists before we left the hotel this morning is strong, but it smells like daisies, so I can’t complain. “Okay, sweetie, let’s go. We have a long day ahead of us.”
I nod and follow my parents out of the room. I’m sad I didn’t get a chance to check out the snack table, but as soon as it’s lunchtime, I plan to taste every single candy. My parents don’t have candy in the house because they say we can’t afford it, so I’m excited that I get to have some here. I don’t know how much they’ll let me eat, though. Mommy is always saying I need to watch my figure, whatever that means. But I’ll try anyway.
We walk down a long corridor until we reach the first set. It’s decorated to look like a classroom, similar to my elementary school, except this room has wooden desks and chairs with no pencil stains, bright red carpet, and posters of planet Earth and cities. I’ve never liked images of cities. They’re so boring. If I could suggest hanging posters of flowers and cats, I would.
A few children around my age are sitting at the desks wearing the same uniform as me, and some are flicking through the children’s books from the bookcase at the back of the room. I’m one of the main characters in the show, next to a boy named Travis. I haven’t met him yet, but I’m excited to.
There are so many people rushing around me and calling out words I don’t understand that my eyes begin to grow blurry.
“Nancy! John!” a deep voice calls across the room.
I turn to see a large man with a round stomach and bushy mustache approaching us. He has a headset wrapped around his neck, and a black lanyard with Schoolyard Quest written on it hangs over a ketchup stain on his white T-shirt. Was he eating fries before he walked over to us? I could go for some fries, actually.