“You want me to what?”
I stare at the man sitting across from me, bewildered. Surely I hadn’t heard him correctly. He’s insane if he thinks I will go along with his plan. It doesn’t make any sense. I mean, it makes logical sense, but it’s insane.
James runs his hand down his long brown beard, his equally chocolate eyes focused on me. “As Mr. Beck’s manager, I spoke extensively with your team about this arrangement, and Adam said you would be more than happy to do it.”
My head snaps to my left to look at my manager, Adam. The fucker is unable to hold eye contact with me as he clears his throat and gestures toward James. “I didn’t say she was okay with it. I said she would need to be eased into the idea.”
“I’m not doing shit,” I snap, folding my arms over my chest. “I refuse to go along with this horrendous idea all because what? You want more viewers for my next movie? That’s why marketing exists.”
Adam sighs and runs his hand down the side of his face. For someone who is only in their mid-thirties, he looks like he has aged double that. The creases around his eyes are prominent and deep frown lines run across the tanned skin on his forehead. His charcoal hair is already starting to reveal gray strands around his ears. It won’t be long until he has salt-and-pepper hair. No doubt this has come from the stress of managing many actors before he took me on a few years back.
It’s not an easy task working in the film industry, I know that much. It takes a toll on your physical and mental health. It’s almost like a mind fuck in a way. But you can never escape it, no matter how hard you try.
“Kinsley, I understand your frustrations, but just hear me out?—”
“No, Adam,” I interject sharply.
I try to ignore the anger burning in my chest at the fact that he went behind my back and organized this whole thing without once consulting me. He knows how much I hate when others try to control my life, so he should know how much of a slap in the face it is that he is trying to make decisions for me.
“You can’t speak for me like everyone else does. If I’m going to pretend to date a rockstar then I need to make that decision on my own.”
Adam closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, running his hands over the dark brown suit jacket clinging to his frame. When he opens them again, guilt circles his pale blue eyes. He knows he fucked up by going behind my back and while I would like to continue to make him feel bad about his choices, he’s one of the only people in my life who has my best interest at heart. I’ll remind him that I’m mad at him for what he did, but I won’t hold it against him.
James clears his throat, drawing our attention to where he sits on the other side of the large wooden table. He felt it was best to conduct the meeting on my turf in the building of my agency to keep me comfortable.
Oh, how he was wrong.
“How about this? Miss May, take a couple of days to make your decision on whether you’d like to agree to a fake relationship with my client. I will speak on his behalf until you have made a decision. Once that decision has been made, have Adam get in contact with me.” He lifts his clasped hands onto the shiny table, his eyes locking with mine. “It would be in the best interest for both of you to agree to this contract. It’ll only be for six months until the release date of your movie, and afterward, you’re both free to call it quits, okay?”
I’m momentarily distracted by my freshly manicured fingernails tapping against the table, the sound ringing in my ears, silencing James. “And what does your client get in return?”
James hums and leans back in the black leather chair, regarding me for a moment. He runs a large hand down the front of his off-white button-down shirt. “I’m working on improving his public image to help the rest of the band. Their popularity has suffered in previous months because of his… actions. I believe that if he’s seen with you, a rising Hollywood sweetheart, then maybe it’ll draw in more fans and help clean up his image.”
I frown, seizing the insistent drumming of my fingers. “You want to use me to make him appear less threatening and unhinged to the media, when in reality, he’s anything but?”
He swallows and nods slowly. “Yes, Miss May.”
I huff and lean back in the chair, the red shag carpet in the room blurring with the red forming at the corner of my vision.
I want to tell this guy that he’s dreaming if he thinks I’ll agree to this bullshit deal. Why should I have to do this when my new movie, It Girl, is expected to be a big hit? At least, that’s what I’ve been told.
I shouldn’t have to completely derail my life to date some washed-up rockstar who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. But I can’t tell him that. Not yet, anyway. I’ll take my time coming to a decision and I won’t allow anyone to influence me. Not my manager, and especially not my parents.
“Okay. Fine.” I shift in my seat and look at Adam. His eyes are focused on James, refusing to look in my direction.
“You have three days, Miss May. I want to hear an answer by the end of the weekend.”
Adam stands from his seat at the same time as James to shake his hand. “Thank you for stopping by. We’ll be in contact.”
James nods in understanding before he turns and leaves the room, passing by the multiple landscape artworks hanging on the beige walls. I liked them when I first started working with this agency, but now I long to see something different. Something more exciting.
As soon as the door shuts behind him, Adam turns to me, his eyes wide. “I’m so sorry for going behind your back, Kin. When James called to discuss the contract a couple of days ago you were busy with work and I didn’t want to bother you. I just wanted to give him an answer quickly?—”