Ethan and I turn to share a look from our spots on the couch in the living room before he turns to Miles. “Nothing. We’re just going to watch a movie and order a pizza.”
“You off to see Cindy?” I ask.
He nods, not looking in my direction. “Sure am.”
Ever since the car accident, things have been… a little frosty between me and Miles, to say the least. Whenever we’re in the same room together, whether it be the apartment or the locker room, he won’t say more than a few words to me. I tried to keep it light between us for the first week, but I just grew tired of him ignoring me for what happened with Evie.
Yes, I’m at fault for what happened since I was the one driving, and it’s been fucking eating me alive ever since, but it was an accident. That fucking asshole in the car came out of nowhere and ran the red light, clearly not having seen my bike. The dickhead in the car is so lucky I didn’t have the chance to chase him down and snap his neck for what he did to my little angel.
After seeing her over the weekend, I all but confirmed that she is something special. Not only can’t I compel her, but her blood… it doesn’t taste human. I’ve drunk a lot of human blood, and have dappled in animal blood, so I can tell the difference. But hers… yeah, something is different about it, but I can’t quite put my finger on why.
In saying that, she is fucking delicious. I knew she would be. After my transition when I was eighteen, I had been longing to get a taste of her sweet blood. I could smell it pumping through her veins, teasing me whenever she was around. But now that I’ve finally tasted her after all these years, I’m an addict. All I want is her fucking blood, but I have to settle for a random donor because I’m running low on my supple.
If I could bottle Evie’s blood up and drink it every day, I would be the happiest fucking man on the planet.
“Have fun,” Ethan says cheerfully, waving goodbye to Miles. “See you in the morning, yeah? We have that big game tomorrow night, so Coach wants us at the stadium early for a last-minute training session.”
“Of course,” Miles says as he collects his keys from the tray beside the door. “I’ll be there.” He silently leaves, not bothering to look at me.
Ethan blows out a long breath and turns to look at me. “Fuck me that was icy. I didn’t believe you when you said there had been a lot of tension after the accident.”
I sigh and run a hand through my hair, tugging on the roots. “Yeah, but he’ll get over it.”
“Will he? He still seems pissed.”
“Yeah, I got that.” I shake my head. “He better not let his feelings affect the game tomorrow. We can’t fuck this up.” It’s the first game of the semi-finals, and with our team at the top of the leaderboard, we need to be at the top of our game to ensure our spot in the final.
“Just talk to him about it,” Ethan suggests with a shrug.
“I tried that. It didn’t work.” With a huff, I stand to my feet. I don’t want to talk about Miles and his inability to let this shit go. “Let’s go. We need to get this over and done with.”
He stands to his feet and stretches his arms above his head. “You’re right. I’m fucking starving, too.”
“You and me both.”
I follow him to the front door and we walk into the hallway. The walk down the staircase to the foyer is silent, but the silence doesn’t last long when we step out onto the street, taking our usual route to the hospital.
“So, what’s new with you?”
I glance at Ethan as he falls into step beside me, shoving his hands into his pockets. His dirty blonde hair is already tousled by the slight fall breeze.
“Save the small chat,” I say and look straight ahead. “You already know what’s been going on.”
“You’re right, I do. You’ve been a busy man,” he comments. “Okay, well, if you don’t want to talk about how your friendship with Miles is in turmoil for going after his sister, shall we discuss the murders in Pullman?”
I raise a brow at him. “Again? We’ve already talked about this. We have no way of finding out who is behind this unless we become a target ourselves. And last time I checked, I don’t want to be staked, drained of my blood, and left in a park for someone to find.”
“Me neither, but aren’t you the least bit curious as to who is committing the killings? I mean, what’s to say they won’t come after us, too?”
I sigh. There is no way to know whether we’re safe or not. Whoever is tracking down these vampires and killing them must be part of some vampire hunting guild that is being given names of vampires in the area. How they come to know that information is beyond me.
I’d like to think I live a discreet life when it comes to my lifestyle. I don’t feed on humans—unless they’re willing, of course. That’s what the Black Rose is for—and I only take donor blood from the hospital when it’s necessary. I’m not like other vampires who enjoy the thrill of chasing down a human and indulging to the point they almost kill them. I’d much rather get my fix from blood bags or at Black Rose. Using the rooms upstairs at the bar means I get to fuck and feed at the same time. The blood bags are the second option.
Ever since Evie learned my secret and my need to protect and be around her all the time has grown stronger, I haven’t thought about sleeping with other women and feeding off them. All I want is my girl and her sweet but strange blood. It’s not something I ever thought would happen.
I’ve known Evie for a long time, and for a while, I only saw her as Miles’s little sister who would follow us around whenever we would hang out, almost like a shadow. But now… I’m obsessed with her. I found myself thinking about her whenever I was alone or thirsty. I want to consume her and claim her to make sure everyone knows she is fucking mine. It’s an intense feeling I have never felt for a woman before, and while it should scare me, I instead embraced it. Told myself that no matter what, I needed to protect my girl from anyone or anything that might bring her harm.
The only thing standing in my way of fulfilling the promise I made is her fucking brother.