Page 89 of Blood Sport

House arrest is a little dramatic, but ever since the accident, Miles has been keeping a close eye on me to make sure I take it easy. The nurse let me go the next morning after it happened and told me to relax for a couple of days, but Miles has taken it to the next level, going as far as asking my friends to make sure I stay at home when I’m not going to class to ensure I heal correctly.

I only sustained some deep grazes and bruises from the fall, so there wasn’t much to let heal. Thankfully, I walked away with only minor injuries, which is odd considering the intensity of the accident, but who am I to complain? My suspicion tells me that Miles wants to keep me home to make sure I don’t see Jaylen, which is a little extreme, in my opinion. I didn’t fight it at first, but I’m beginning to grow antsy being stuck inside all the time. I want to get out of the house. I can’t take two steps out of my bedroom without someone asking what I’m doing.

It’s exhausting, to say the least. I feel… trapped, and I don’t like it.

My phone vibrates on my bedside table. Sighing, I step away from the window to check it. My heart catches in my throat when I see Jaylen’s name on the screen.

Jaylen: My little angel, what are you doing tonight?

I haven’t seen or heard from Jaylen since the night he left the hospital. After the tense conversation between him and my brother, it seems he kept his word about staying away. I tried to reach out a few times through text, but I got no response. For some reason, it makes my heart feel heavy knowing that he would be so willing to stay away after how possessive he’s been recently. But he’s also my brother’s best friend, so I understand he’s been put between a rock and a hard place. It could also be because of the guilt he feels for the accident. He doesn’t need to feel guilty because neither of us got seriously hurt.

After a week, I found myself missing him more than I thought I would.

So, why is he messaging me now after two weeks of no contact?

Evie: Miles essentially has me on house arrest while

my wounds finish healing. So, I’ll be in bed like most nights.

Jaylen: Can I see you tonight? I miss you.

My heart lurches reading his words. Swallowing hard, I type a response.

Evie: I can’t leave. My friends are

also keeping a close eye on me.

Jaylen: Don’t worry, I’ve got you. Be ready in five.

My eyes widen as I stare at the screen. Five minutes? I’m in sweatpants and an old T-shirt I wore in high school. What the hell am I supposed to wear if I don’t know where he’s taking me?

Without thinking, I rush to my closet and pull out a flowy, plain black dress that rests halfway down my thighs. I don’t know what possessed me to wear a dress, but I know Jaylen likes it when I do, so who am I to complain?

You’re thinking with your pussy, my subconscious tells me.

I roll my eyes, wishing she would shut the hell up.

Throwing my hair into a high ponytail, I check my reflection in the mirror behind the bedroom door to make sure I look somewhat presentable. Five minutes doesn’t leave me with a lot of time to do much else than make sure I look like I haven’t been lounging in bed for two weeks.

Thankfully, my friends are downstairs watching a movie. I told them I wanted to be alone, which I’m now grateful for.

Tapping on the bedroom window forces my heart in my throat. My eyes look through the mirror to see Jaylen sitting in the tree outside of the window. His hair has gotten longer, the bouncy waves falling into his eyes and curling behind his ears. He smiles and waves, showing off his straight teeth and charming smile.

I inhale a deep breath and turn to walk across the room to the window. Sliding the window open, I fold my arms over my chest. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I’ve come to rescue you,” he says matter-of-factly.

Leaning forward, I look past him at the tree, noticing he’s balancing on a thick tree branch that reaches out toward the window, falling a foot short of touching it. Jaylen is dressed in black sweatpants and a matching hoodie, looking effortlessly stunning.

“I didn’t realize I called for Prince Charming to come knocking at my window. What if someone sees you?”

Jaylen glances to his left at the street. “No one is going to see me, and if they do, I can just compel them.”

I roll my eyes. “Right, I forgot that is one of the many tricks up your sleeve.”

“Do you want to see another?”

“I don’t know whether to say yes or no,” I reply, and raise a brow at him.