Page 81 of Blood Sport

During the game, I get caught up in what’s happening, watching as the Raiders almost score a goal but the keeper manages to save it or vice versa. I’m on the edge of my seat in the second half that I don’t notice Jaylen has left the field. It isn’t until the final whistle is blown at the end of the second half, the Raiders only just winning 2-1 in the last five minutes, that I notice I have a text message from Jaylen.

Jaylen: I want to see you.

Evie: Now? Aren’t you supposed to

be celebrating with the team?

“Hey, let’s go,” Rylee says from beside me. She pulls on my elbow until I’m on my feet and drags me toward the aisle where everyone else is exiting. “Who are you texting anyway?”

“No one,” I answer quickly.

Another message from Jaylen comes in.

Jaylen: I should be, but I’d rather see you.

I can give you a lift home if you like.

I bite my lip as I follow behind the girls into the concourse of the stadium. The buzz of the crowd around me rings in my ears, their voices being drowned out. When Rylee stops by the bathroom so Candie and Jaycee can go in, I turn to her.

“Are you still going out with the girls?”

“I am,” Rylee says with a nod and leans her back against the wall by the entrance to the bathroom, giving me a suspicious look. “You’re still coming too, right?”

I consider my options here. Should I go out with my friends, sink a few cocktails, and then get a taxi home at three in the morning drunk? Or do I allow Jaylen to drive me home to spend some time with him? Although I don’t know what’s going on between us, no matter how hard I try to fight my feelings, I always come back to him and want to be around him. My body is fighting hard against the logical part of my brain that tells me getting close to Jaylen is a bad idea, but the way my body reacts to him is unlike anything I’ve experienced.

What’s the worst that could happen, right? All I’m doing is getting a ride home from him which means I can be in bed before 10 p.m. Which, in all honesty, sounds more appealing to me right now than going out. I could use some quiet time. At least until the girls come home drunk and need assistance getting to their rooms.

“I’m actually not feeling the best,” I lie, rubbing my stomach. “Must’ve been the hotdogs.”

“Oh,” Rylee says, her brows furrowing as a splash of concern covers her features. “That’s a shame because those hotdogs were delicious, but maybe you just got a bad one. Do you want me to come with you? I don’t mind—”

“No,” I interrupt a little too abruptly. “I’m fine to get home, really. I can call a taxi and I'll send you a message as soon as I get home.”

Rylee nods, having bought my lie about not feeling well. I feel bad for lying, but I knew if I told her and the girls the truth about what I was really doing they would be on my ass about it, asking a million and one questions that I don’t feel like answering right now.

There is nothing wrong with a little white lie, right?

Rylee leans forward to hug me, her sweet floral scent consuming me. “You get going now. I’ll tell the girls what’s happening.”

I smile as I pull away. “You’re the best. Have fun and I’ll see you later, okay? If you need anything, just let me know.”

“Of course, Ev.”

I wave goodbye to Rylee and turn on my heels, walking to one of the many exits of the stadium. I look down at my phone, making sure to glance up every few steps to avoid running into someone as I type a response to Jaylen.

Evie: Where should I meet you?


I stand on the sidewalk a block away from the stadium, watching as the crowd of fans move throughout the campus, heading into bars and restaurants to celebrate the win. Well, the Raiders fans are. I don’t know about the losing team.

My eyes scan the road for Jaylen’s motorcycle. He told me to meet him here away from the watchful eye of my brother. I was instructed to walk a block away and stand across the street from the local Mexican restaurant and wait for him. To distract myself, I wrap my arms around my waist and rock on my heels, watching as people walk in and out of the restaurant. I can hear music blasting from the building, mixing with the chatter of the fans walking past me. I notice the way they eye me as they pass by, likely wondering why I’m standing on the sidewalk by myself, but I ignore them.

Glancing down at my phone, I read two texts from Jaycee and Candie. They must’ve sent them after they got out of the bathroom and Rylee told them I went home.

Jaycee: I’m sorry you don’t feel good! Get some rest, E.

Candie: I’ll make sure to drink extra cocktails for you!