My fingers curl around the base of the glasses in my hands. The condensation is cool against my burning skin as I follow their figures down the dark hallway, disappearing into one of the rooms on the right.
I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s still seeing other women even after what happened between—No, nothing happened between us, and I need to remind myself of that.
Yes, there is certainly some… tension between us, but it doesn’t mean anything. At least, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell myself. But seeing him with another woman makes my stomach churn uncomfortably and my body tightens with annoyance.
It makes me see red.
“Evie? Is everything okay?”
I look away from the staircase to meet Preston’s eyes as they search my face. He looks a little confused by my change in mood, and I don’t blame him. I also have no idea what the fuck is going on with me and my body.
Without thinking, I shove both of the glasses into his hand, making him fumble the glass he’s already holding to accommodate two more and point behind him. “Take those to my table for me, please. I’ll be right back.”
I don’t wait for his response before I slide through the throng of partygoers happily sipping on their cocktails and laughing among themselves. It’s as if my feet are on autopilot as I climb the staircase, my mind and body numb—mostly from the alcohol but also the anger coursing through my veins.
Once I reach the top, my eyes scan each room through the open windows. I barely notice the threesome happening in the first room, a busty woman being taken by two other men, or the blood on the bed in the room next to it as a dark-haired woman sucks the blood from a male she is riding like a horse. Nothing seems to faze me as I continue to look for the one person who will capture my attention, something deep within me guiding my steps. An invisible force, maybe. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t seem to have any control over it.
Thankfully, I spot him a few rooms down through the open window.
Jaylen is sitting on the bed with the blonde woman on her knees between his parted legs. He’s fully clothed while she doesn’t have a top on, her bare back to me. His eyes are on her as she runs her fingers down his toned chest and abs before landing on his belt buckle.
That’s when I burst into the room, my hand firmly gripping the door handle.
Jaylen is smirking before his eyes even meet mine. That bastard sensed me coming.
The blonde woman turns to look at me, her hand still hovering over his belt buckle. A deep scowl creases her brows as her eyes look me up and down. “Who the fuck are you? Can’t you see that we’re a little busy here?”
I don’t look at her as she speaks, my eyes focused firmly on a grinning Jaylen. Oh, how I wish I could slap that shit-eating grin off his face.
“Evie,” he drawls, his voice smooth like whiskey. “What a pleasure it is to see you.”
I don’t say anything as I stare him down, my blood boiling with anger knowing that bitch still has her hands on him. I don’t know why I’m acting this way, but I won’t stop either. I know I should walk away and forget this ever happened, but I can’t, and that’s the problem.
I don’t know what the fuck is going on right now.
“Get the fuck outta here,” the woman hisses, standing to her full height. She folds her arms over her bare chest as she shoots daggers at me.
Jaylen leans back on his hands, his abs flexing with the movement. “You should leave.”
I swallow hard, shifting on my feet. Now that I’m here, I can’t leave. If I leave, I know what’ll happen in this room, and for whatever reason I don’t understand, my heart isn’t okay with that. Now that I’m slowly starting to get a taste of Jaylen Black, all I want is more.
I crave it. I need it. I want it.
But he’s bad for me, I know this.
“You heard him,” the blonde sneers, popping her hip. She uses a hand to shoo me out of the room like I’m a bad smell hanging around.
“Not her,” Jaylen says, his tongue poking the side of his mouth in that cocky way that nearly has my knees buckling beneath me. “You. Get the fuck out and close the door behind you. It seems my little angel has something she wants to say.”
My body shivers after hearing Jaylen call me his little angel again. He has made a habit of saying it more recently, and it’s doing things to my body that I don’t recognize. Even just being here has me confused, like why the fuck did I race up here like a bat out of hell?
I have zero control over my body and that worries me because I like being in control, but whenever Jaylen is involved, all that control goes out the fucking window. There is something deep burning within my chest like a fireball of emotion I can’t quite put my finger on.