His eyes flick to mine, and I know he’s still pissed that I asked him to help me scrub Roman’s apartment clean of his blood. It was no easy task, especially having to wipe blood from the roof. Ethan complained the entire time, and rightfully so. We spent hours cleaning that shit hole until our hands hurt and sweat coated our skin. Getting Roman’s body into the back of Ethan’s car and having to beat the sunrise and the early dog walkers in Pullman was stressful. But remembering the soulless look in his eyes as I loaded his blanket-wrapped body into the car made everything worth it.
Ethan was silent the entire drive out to one of the many secluded woods on the outskirts of town. He wouldn’t even look at me as we dug a six-foot deep hole and tossed the body in. I felt bad for involving him in the situation, but as a fellow vampire, it should be expected of him. I know I would drop everything to rush to his side if he were in a similar situation.
Nonetheless, I was grateful for his help.
“Neither,” Miles comments with a shrug. “Maybe he left town for a few days. I’m sure he’ll be back next week.”
I don’t say a word, and toss the ball in the air, hoping no one notices my silence. But thankfully, Preston moves on from the topic quickly.
“What is everyone doing tonight?”
“Nothing,” Miles says as we walk across the pitch toward the tunnel that leads to the locker rm. “I might go see Cindy, but I haven’t decided yet.”
“I would ask how your girl is, but I doubt you’ll tell me,” Preston jokes and nudges his elbow into Ethan’s side.
I roll my eyes. “I might go to the Black Rose.”
“We haven’t gone in a while,” Ethan says, shooting me a knowing look from around Miles and Preston. “Maybe I’ll join you.”
“Same,” Preston chimes in. “Although, I may have to meet you there. I think some of my friends from class want to go, too.”
“What about you?” I ask Miles, bumping my shoulder against his.
“I might make an appearance if I don’t go see Cindy,” he says with a shrug. “See what all the fuss is about.” He quirks a knowing brow at me. “Do you plan to meet up with a girl from your roster?”
The ‘roster’ he’s talking about is the handful of women I would see on a regular basis. They only served one purpose—to fuck and feed on. But I put an end to the roster when I decided that it was time to pursue Evie and make her mine after she learned my secret. I’ve waited years for this moment, so there was no way I was going to fuck it up by continuing to see the girls on the roster.
The only girl I have my eyes set on is my little angel.
“I guess you could say that.”
“Evie, do you want to go to Black Rose tonight?”
I look up from the book in my lap to where Jaycee, Candie, and Rylee stand in the doorway of my bedroom. Their eyes are resting on me intently, waiting for my answer. They had gone shopping this afternoon and asked if I wanted to go with them, but I declined because I wasn’t in the mood to walk around a crowded mall for hours while they tried on clothes. Instead, I opted to stay in and read more of the book I had been trying to get into for a few weeks.
After my conversation with Miles earlier today, I needed some alone time to not think about the thoughts circling my mind. Ever since I had gotten home, all I could think about was the man with piercing blue eyes, who he was, where he was now, and what connection he had to my mom. When I came up with nothing, I needed to get out of my head for the afternoon and get lost in another world. And it worked, thankfully. Spending a couple of hours reading this afternoon has helped boost my mood immensely, so the thought of going to Black Rose tonight doesn’t sound too bad.
I close the book and sit up straighter on my bed, crossing my legs beneath me. “You know what? Fuck it, I’m in. Did your connection get us on the list again?” I ask Jaycee.
She shakes her head, a hint of redness coating her cheeks. “Not yet, but I can ask him. I’m sure he would be more than happy to help us out.”
I nod. This ‘connection’ of Jaycee’s is another mystery plaguing my mind. All I know is that his name is Ethan, and he goes to WSU. Besides that, I know nothing else. I have a sneaking suspicion it’s the same Ethan on the soccer team who is friends with Miles and Jaylen, but I have no way of confirming it unless I ask him directly or Jaycee spills the beans to me. Sadly, I don’t see either of those options happening any time soon.
Speaking of Jaylen… I wonder if he’s going to be present at Black Rose tonight. From what I know about the bar and the activities that happen upstairs, it seems like the perfect place for him to frequent to get his fix, so to speak. But the thought of him being there with another woman has my stomach churning uncomfortably.
I shouldn’t care what he does or rather who, but I can’t ignore the way my chest tightens when I think about him with someone else. He’s my brother’s best friend, and nothing more. So, why can’t I stop thinking about him, and the way his presence makes my pulse quicken and my core tight, thrumming for him? All I can think about is his fingers digging into my hips as he holds me close, running his sharp fangs along the base of my neck where my pulse throbs under his touch, waiting for the moment he sinks his—
“Evie,” Rylee says, interrupting my thoughts. Thank God. “Did you hear what I said?” When I stare at her and give no response, she continues, “We’re going to leave at eight, so be ready. I have just the outfit for you to wear.”
I swallow hard, nervous to see what she has in mind. All I can manage is a nod, and the girls squeal in excitement. Candie says something about going to get ready now even though it’s four in the afternoon. But I don’t pay attention to them. Not when I have a certain someone on my mind, wondering—hell, hoping—if he’ll be at Black Rose tonight.
After what has been hours of getting ready for the night and taking a few shots of Tequilla in the kitchen, we’re finally in the taxi en route to Black Rose. As the girls talk to each other over the sweet melody of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac blasting through the speakers—a request made by Rylee—I can’t help but smile as I stare out the window.