Page 32 of Blood Sport

But I stop him by calling his name. And like an obedient dog, he turns to face me, his body stiffening under my gaze.

“If you ever think about touching my girl again,” I say, stepping forward to wrap a comforting arm around Evie’s shoulders, pulling her close to my side, “just know it’ll be the last thing you ever do because I’ll track you down and fucking kill you. Understood?”

His eyes widen, nodding frantically. Roman doesn’t speak as he turns and sprints down the street. I wait until he’s out of sight before looking down at Evie. Her arm is wrapped tightly around my waist, her eyes staring up at me. I can’t quite read the emotions swirling in the pool of blue and green, but it doesn’t matter because I hear her heartbeat return to a normal pace as she relaxes into my side.

“Thank you,” she breathes.

“What the hell was that all about?” I ask, running my knuckle up and down the smooth skin on her arm. I know the truth, but I want to see if she’ll tell me herself.

She sighs, stepping away from my side to stand in front of me. I almost reach out and return her to my side, not wanting to feel the emptiness she left behind, but refrain from doing so because now is not the time.

“I don’t know,” she says, shaking her head. “Ever since we broke up he’s been stalking me—”

“Stalking you?” I snap, clenching my fists at my side. I didn’t know that.

“Nothing crazy, just hanging around my building after class or near my favorite coffee shop. It’s nothing I couldn’t handle,” Evie explains, her words putting me slightly at ease. I know Evie is more than capable of looking after herself, but it still doesn’t sit right with me knowing he’s been stalking her. “He wants me to take him back, but after he—”

“Cheated on you,” I finish, and her eyes snap up to me.

“You know about that?”

“Everyone knows about it.”

She folds her arms over her chest. “Even Miles?”

I nod. “Even Miles.”

“Shit,” she curses. “Well, yeah, after he cheated on me, there was no way in hell I was ever going to take him back, but he didn’t seem to understand that. He even went as far as… threatening me over text.”

Not quite the full truth, but I’ll take it. I don’t want to push her too hard.

“Was that the first time he’s ever laid a hand on you?” My jaw clenches, waiting for her response. If this isn’t the first time he’s touched her like that, I’m going to fucking ki—

“This was the first time, yes,” she supplies, eyeing my face as she speaks. “I just…” She pauses, her tongue darting out to lick her bottom lip. “I was never scared of what he might do until just now. I knew I could handle myself, but it’s clear he is unhinged so anything could’ve happened, and that’s what I was worried about.”

“Well, you have nothing to worry about because I won’t ever let him hurt you.”

The words fall effortlessly from my lips because it’s true. There is not a chance in hell I’d let another person hurt her. They would never get close enough to even try because they would have to go through me, and that’s just like asking for a death sentence. I want her to know that as long as I’m around, she’ll be safe. And that’s a fucking promise.

She smiles, chewing on her bottom lip. I bite back a groan at the sight.

“Well, thank you for stepping in when no one would. I knew I could handle myself, but I’m sure there would’ve come a point in time when I no longer could.”

“Any time, little angel.”

My eyes look over her frame, taking in her messy ponytail that I would love to have wrapped around my fist, her denim shorts and a cropped T-shirt, the material hanging slightly off her right shoulder, and the black tote bag on the other shoulder. She is so effortlessly beautiful, and she doesn’t even know it.

“I’ve got to get going,” Evie says, looking over her shoulder. “I wanted to grab a coffee, but after what just happened, I think I’m just going to go home and skip my afternoon class.”

I shove my hands into the pocket of my black jeans. “Do you want a lift home?”

She pauses, her eyes roaming over my face as she considers my offer. “But…you drive a motorcycle.”


“And I don’t want to die.”

“You won’t die,” I say. “I’m a very safe driver.”