He backs up a few inches and cups his hands between my thighs. I should keep them shut, but it’s like he compels them open. “Are you sore?”

I bat his hand away. It’s a pretty pathetic attempt, but at least I make one. “We’ve had sex twenty times in the past twenty-four hours. Muscles ache that I didn’t even know I had.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Just give me a few more hours and maybe a nice long bath when we get back to your place, and then we can start round twenty-one.”

Instead of having car sex, Griffin points out all the Mills hotels and condos on the way to wherever we’re going. There are a lot.

We pass the Moorehead building. “Ohh! That’s one of the major media companies in the city, isn’t it?”

Griffin grunts. “My cousin Lincoln’s family owns it.”

“You two are close, right?”

“Yeah. It’s too bad he’s not in town. I think you’d like him.”

“Hopefully I’ll get to meet him one day soon.”

“He’s back in Guatemala for the foreseeable future, but I’m sure you’ll meet him eventually.”

A few minutes later, we stop at a glass-fronted building. Griffin helps me out, and I smooth my dress down. It’s bright blue with a yellow canary print. The hem falls an inch above my knee, keeping it classy. I glance at the name etched into the glass. “The Mills Tower? Your family has a tower?”

“This is where I work when I’m in New York. I thought you might want to check it out.”

“Oh my God! Yes!” I yell and throw my arms around Griffin. It draws the attention of several people passing by on the sidewalk, but he doesn’t seem to care.

I assume that because it’s his place of work and he’s pretty freaking important he’s going to be the professional Mr. Mills I got to see in action in Vegas, but he laces our fingers together and leads me through the front door, which requires some kind of key card and a thumb print. We stop at the front desk where he introduces me as his girlfriend to the receptionist and asks her to set me up with a pass so I have full building access.

Her eyes pop at the request, and she gives me a curious look, but she’s ultra-polite and complies without question.

Griffin takes me to the fifty-seventh floor of the building. When we step off the elevator, the woman seated behind the reception desk bolts out of her chair. “Griffin! I thought we weren’t expecting you until Monday.”

He offers her a reassuring smile. “I’m not here to work. This is Cosy Felton. I wanted to show her around the office.”

She offers me a polite, friendly smile and extends her hand. “Welcome, Cosy, is it?”

“You got it.” I return the smile and accept her hand.

“I’m Susan, head receptionist. If there’s anything you need, let me know.”

“Thanks, Susan.”

She turns to Griffin. “Is this our new intern?”

“We’ll talk about that later.” He places a palm on my low back. “I want to show you around the office.”

I let him guide me away, but I glance over my shoulder at Susan, whose gaze is fixed on where Griffin is touching me. “You have a new intern?”

Griffin doesn’t have a chance to answer the question because we’re nearly bowled over by a giant man as he rushes out of a nearby office. “Griff? I thought you weren’t work—” He stops midsentence as his gaze shifts from Griffin to me and back again. He quirks a questioning brow and a half smirk appears. “New intern?”

Griffin gives the man a warning look and clears his throat. “This is Cosy, my girlfriend. Cosy, this is Lex, my younger brother.”

Lex’s eyes flare the tiniest bit as he glances from his brother to me; it’s the only sign he’s shocked.

I’m not nearly as subtle. I elbow Griffin in the side, hard. “Seriously? Can’t you give a girl some prep time and warning before you go surprise dropping family introductions? What if I had spinach in my teeth?” I motion to my face.

“I would’ve told you if you had spinach in your teeth,” Griffin replies.

“Not the freaking point, Griffin, and you know it.” I hold out a hand. “Sorry, I’m being so rude right now.”

“Not at all. Griff is the king of surprises lately.” Lex flashes a wide, dimpled grin and extends a massive hand. “It’s great to finally meet you, Cosy.”

“It’s great to meet you too.” Based on his comment, I’m pretty damn sure Griffin hasn’t mentioned the fact that I’m a decade his junior.

“I’m about to head into a meeting. Will you be around for a while?” Lex asks Griffin.

“For a bit. I want to show Cosy around the floor.”

“Okay. Well, if you’re still here when I’m done, we can all head over to family dinner together.”

“Whoa, wait, what?” It’s close to a shriek.