I’ve never been a huge fan of surprises, but I’m trying to humor Griffin, and he seems excited about whatever it is we’re doing. However, going in blind means I don’t have the first clue what to bring or wear. “So do I or don’t I need to pack an extra outfit?”

“You don’t have to pack anything. I’m just throwing out suggestions because I know you don’t like to be unprepared, and you get all annoyed with me when I offer to buy you something to wear.”

I prop a hand on my hip and glare at the phone. “If you’re referring to the dress from last week, it’s because it was ridiculously expensive.”

“You thought it was pretty.”

“I also think diamonds are pretty. That doesn’t mean you should buy me one. And for the love of God, do not buy me a diamond because I said that. We’re not at the stage where jewelry is an appropriate gift.”

“You getting yourself all worked up over there?”

“I can hear you grinning, you know that, don’t you? Keep it up and I’ll cancel on you unless you tell me what we’re doing that requires two damn outfits.” That’s a complete lie. There’s zero chance I’m cancelling this date.

“Come on, Cosy, don’t make me ruin the surprise. I’ll pick you up in half an hour.”

“Fine, but know I’m not a fan of surprises. At all.”

“Noted, but I think you’ll like this one.” He hangs up before I can say anything else.

I finish getting ready with a stupid smile on my face. I may not like surprises, but I like Griffin, and this is the first time we’re spending a whole day together. It’s barely even ten in the morning, so I don’t expect Nev to be awake as I tiptoe past the couch and open the fridge.

“You off to work?”

She startles me, and I nearly drop the jug of orange juice. “Shit. No. I have the day off.”

She rubs her eyes. “Why’re you up so early if you don’t have to work?”

“Griffin is taking me out.”


“That guy I’ve been seeing for the past couple of weeks.” I’m sure I’ve used his name before now.

“The one with the sweet sports car?”

“That’s the guy.”

She props herself up on her arm, slightly more alert. “Oh, nice one. Have you slept with him yet?”

“No, Nev, I haven’t.” I pour myself a glass of juice and chug it. I could use a coffee, but Griffin will be here in five minutes, and I would prefer he doesn’t meet Nev when she’s wearing a tank top I can see her nipples through.

“Really? But haven’t you been out with him a bunch of times already? What’re you waiting for?”

I’m not waiting for anything in particular. He just hasn’t made a move beyond hands-in-the-pants action. But he’s proven himself very adept with his fingers. I have no interest in sharing any of these details with my sister since she’ll dissect everything, and I don’t need her making me question things when I’m about to spend the day with Griffin. Dinner included. “My roommate situation makes privacy a challenge.” It’s an intentional dig. “You up to anything today?”

“Frankie called, begging me to come back.” She flops back down on the couch. “I told him I had to think about it, so I’ll probably stay here tonight and then let him pick me up sometime tomorrow.”

“Are you sure you want to go back to him?”

That my sister is dating a guy she refers to as Frankie raises all sorts of flags. He sounds like a mobster. Or maybe his name is Frank and she’s added the ie to the end so he doesn’t sound as old as he is.

I try not to compare my current situation with her regular one. I’m having a lot of fun with Griffin. It’s not about money or his car or whether he can afford to pay for my apartment, which I suspect he could if he wanted, considering how easily he seems to part with money.

“We’ll see. My back can only handle so much of this couch, and I’m hoping to capitalize on how bad he feels since finding a decent job is tough. Even if we do get back together, I give him a month, tops, before I find someone who will take better care of me.” She yawns and stretches. “If you’re leaving, I’m taking your bed.”

I wave her off. “That’s fine. I might be late.”

“Have fun and be safe. But not too safe.” She rolls off the couch and stumbles down the hall to my room. I rush out the door and am grateful when the elevator doors slide open as soon as I hit the button.

Griffin is already waiting for me when I reach street level. He’s leaning against his car, eyes on his phone until he hears the door open. His gaze moves over me in a slow sweep, and he smiles, pushing off the hood to meet me halfway. He takes my bag—an actual purse, not my backpack—and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into him. He drops his head, and I tip mine back inviting him in, but the kiss is disappointingly brief.