Page 23 of Babe

A wretched scream tore from his throat, and something shattered against the wall. I spun back around, rushing to him as he smashed my lamp to the floor, sobbing, snot running down his nose and over his lips, tears streaking down his cheeks. I wrapped my arms tight around him, and we sank to the floor, his hands curling into my shirt as he cried, completely falling apart.

My own tears burned in my eyes. Goddamn them for doing this to him. Fuck his brothers for putting him in this situation. Fuck Dorman and everyone else involved in that fucking trafficking ring for hurting my boy and touching him. Fuck them all.

“I’m here, baby,” I rasped, clutching him to me and rocking him gently side to side as he wailed, his fists pummeling my chest. I took every hit, wishing I could absorb his pain and torment, too. “I’m here. I’m always here. Papa’s got you, sweet boy.”

“I hate them all,” he sobbed, the pain in his voice tearing at my insides. I buried my face in his hair, squeezing him even tighter. “They touched me, Papa. They shoved something inside me. They touched me. I swore it’d never happen to me again, and it did, and I want to claw my skin off!” he shouted.

A piece of me fucking died. If I’d gotten up when he did, I would’ve known he was leaving the clubhouse. I would’ve been with him. He wouldn’t have been alone. None of this would’ve happened to him.

“I want a shower,” he finally croaked. “And I need you to touch me, Papa. Even if it hurts. Please. I can’t…” His voice wobbled, and he collapsed into my chest, sobbing his fucking heart out and ripping mine to shreds. “I can’t take this.”

I quickly rose to my feet and headed for the bathroom, stepping inside the shower fully clothed with him in my arms. After toeing off my boots, I kicked them outside the shower, then turned the water on full blast. It was icy at first, but I wasn’t even sure Ace noticed. His shoulders slumped, and some of the tension bled from his body as the water beat onto his abused skin.

Silently, as the water heated, turning almost scorching, I stripped out of my clothes, then eased him out of his, tossing them outside the shower as well. Then, I sank to the floor and pulled him down onto my lap, touching and kissing him. He quietly cried as he leaned into each of my touches, seeking more of my hands on him. And I didn’t stop.

I had no idea how long we sat there with me mapping the planes of his lean body with my hands and mouth, but eventually, his tears stopped, and his eyelids grew heavy, sleep tugging at him.

“Stay awake for me a little longer, sweet boy,” I murmured, pressing a soft, tender kiss to his lips. “I need to bathe you and wash your hair, okay?”

“Okay, Papa,” he croaked, his hands smoothing over my chest, his nails raking through the hair there. I pressed a kiss to his bruised cheek, then grabbed the bar of soap, running it over his tender skin. Once I deemed him clean, I gently shampooed and conditioned his hair, letting him cling to me as I did so. It didn’t make the task easy, but I didn’t care.

No amount of difficulty would make me ease him back some to make my task easier.

I toweled him dry, then dressed him in my briefs and one of my long-sleeve shirts, which swallowed him and damn near fell to his knees. He sat on the bed, watching me as I got dressed.

Crouching between his spread thighs, I gripped his knees, looking up at his bruised face. Absently, he slid his fingers into my hair, blinking down at me through swollen, bloodshot blue eyes. “Can you eat, Ace baby? Jax made dinner.”

He yawned and nodded, then wrapped his arms and legs around me—a silent order for me to carry him. When we got downstairs, Jax looked up from where he was setting bowls of spaghetti on the table. Ace smiled a little, his eyes growing watery.

“Is it like Blakely makes it?”

Jax shrugged. “I don’t know, kid. She walked me through it, but we all know she’s the best cook.”

Ace sniffled and laughed a little, nodding for me to sit him down in the chair. He winced when his ass met the seat, and immediately, I lifted him again, sitting down and settling him on my lap. I dragged the other bowl over to me.

“Papa is best, but she’s second-best,” Ace told him. He looked at Jax as he picked up his fork. “Does she know…”

Jax looked at me. I sighed. “Everyone knows, baby.” He sighed and closed his eyes, his expression pained. “But it’s okay.” I pressed a kiss to his abused cheek. “You’re going to stay here with me and recover. When you go home, you’ll be as good as new.”

“Blakely is coming to stay with us,” Jax told him. Ace frowned. “Shaw is bringing her, so she’s not coming by herself, but Shaw’s not staying, Ace. And you don’t have to face Shaw if you don’t want to.”

“Jax and I won’t let him bully you,” I promised. “This is your home. Your safe place. And we won’t let anyone destroy that. You hear me?” I gently gripped his chin and turned his head to look at me. “Do you understand me, Ace?”

He nodded. “Yes, Papa.”

I kissed him softly. “Good boy. Eat your food. Then, we’ll put on a movie and cuddle. Sound good?”

He smiled a little, and something inside my chest eased, some of the tightness dissipating. “Sounds good.”



Ace stirred when a soft knock sounded on the front door. Jax grunted and stood to his feet, his steps silent as he crossed through the living room. Ace’s eyes blinked open as Jax opened the door, revealing who I assumed was Blakely, since I hadn’t had a chance to meet her yet, and Shaw. I blinked in surprise at Blakely. She was a gorgeous as hell woman—certainly not who I expected a man like Jax to end up with, honestly. Jax was so rough around the edges and a bit scruffy. But Blakely was drop-dead gorgeous with long, blonde hair and eyes that shone.

And she was covered in hickies, bruises, and… were those bite marks?

Jesus Christ, Jax and Blakely were into some kinky shit.