“Don’t run from me, little bunny.” His grin was feral, and his words were almost a dare. “I’m hard as a rock and haven’t fucked you in days. If you run, I’ll have no choice but to hunt you down and rectify that.”
She chewed on her lip, tasting a little blood, because she knew he meant every word. He lived for the dares.
Reluctantly, she did as he asked and lay down near the edge of the bed.
With a little bit of a sad expression that she didn’t actually meet his dare, he turned back to the task at hand. He pulled a bag and a blindfold from his closet and headed toward her. She eyed them as he set them on the bed, but he took her chin in his fingers, forcing her to look at him, and then he kissed her. “Take your shirt off.”
Her heart beat faster, but she removed her shirt and chucked it at him with a glare. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
The chuckle he gave was wicked as he brought the blindfold to her face, slipped it over her head, and covered her eyes until all she could see was complete darkness. He nipped at his bite mark and said, “It won’t take long.”
“This is crazy,” she told him, her voice shaking a little. “I swear to god, if you ever say that I don’t trust you after this, I’m going to murder you.”
He tsked her as he pinched the hem of her shorts and underwear and yanked them down her legs.
“Whoa! Hang on! Just how big is this tattoo going to be?” She tried to scamper away but found it hard to do while she was blindfolded.
He grabbed hold of her and pinned her to the bed. “Do you remember my warning, little bunny?”
She struggled to try to stay calm. She just wanted to talk some sense into him was all. “Yes, I do. And I’m sorry, but I think we need to talk about this.”
“Trust me. It’ll be fine. Nothing big, except for the meaning behind it.”
“At least, tell me what you’re planning on doing?” she huffed because it was rare for him to get so serious.
“Not a chance,” he stated, easing up his grip on her.
“Have you done this before?”
“Yes. I’ve done some of mine, and some of Drake and Zeke’s.” He completely let her go, and she could hear him starting to dig into his bag.
Knowing she wasn’t going to get out of this, she sighed and shimmied to get more comfortable. “Is this . . . is it going to hurt?”
“Maybe,” he answered a little distractedly. “But I plan to make it less painful for you.” Things were moved and placed beside her shoulder, and then Knox was climbing on the bed and sliding between her legs. She gasped when his cocked pressed against her clit as he settled some of his weight.
The tattoo gun buzzed to life, and she let out a high-pitched squeak. “Are you sure you’re up for this?” she asked nervously.
He only shushed her, nudged her entrance, and slid inside before pressing the needle to the skin above her heart. Her body stiffened and she arched her back on instinct, but he pinned her down with his free arm.
“You have to stay still, or you’ll fuck it up.”
She deadpanned behind the blindfold. “That’s going to be hard to do with your dick in me, you know.”
He pulled out and thrust back into her punishingly. “Are you questioning my methods?”
She clamped her mouth shut to stifle the moan at the back of her throat and shook her head quickly. It didn’t last long, however, because she winced when the needle continued to pierce her skin. She couldn’t see what Knox was tattooing on her, but his motions were fluid and smooth. He was taking his time, but she still couldn’t believe that she was going through with it.
Every now and then, he lifted the needle and slowly slid in and out of her until she was close to cumming, and then he’d stop and go back to the tattoo. Between both sensations, she was having a hard time staying still and quiet.
They kept up this routine for what felt like forever before the tattoo gun turned off. He bent and sucked her lip into his mouth. “Do you have any idea how hard it was not to fuck you senselessly? But it’s done.”
He didn’t pull out as he tugged off the blindfold so she could see. She instantly looked down and was shocked by what she saw. Knox not only tattooed his name on her but also Zeke’s and Drake’s. All three of her mates’ names were now permanently sketched into her skin directly over her heart.
She didn’t know what to say.
“Do you like it?” he asked quietly. For the first time since she’d met him, his tone sounded vulnerable.
Blinking back tears, she reached up and cupped his face before pressing a kiss to his lips. “I love it.”