Jenny hung up the phone and sobbed. Alone in her empty bedroom, the sound echoed against the bare walls around her.

Roman put his phone back in the duffle bag that sat by the rack of weights. Normally he never took phone calls or checked his phone during training sessions, but he had a special ring for Jenny. He always took her calls. It had only been a week since she asked for space. He had hoped that she would call and say that she was wrong and a week was enough time to decide that she at least wanted to try.

He'd done all that he could. Agreeing to wait for her. Sending the guys to help her move, when all he wanted was to be there too. Giving her tickets to the first preseason game. Taking care of the mistress problem. More and more he was convinced that Blake was right. However impossible it seemed, however fast—he was in love with Jenny. He knew this because whatever she asked of him, he knew he would do it.

Only now she had called and asked him to stop waiting. He didn’t know if he could do that.

Sinking down onto the closest weight bench, he put his towel over his head, leaning his elbows against his knees. This isn’t how he wanted things to end. He should have told her about Amanda. Maybe he shouldn’t have paid her off. But now, because of the contract he put in place, he could really sic his lawyer on her. If she was really broke, the fear of a lawsuit to pay back what he’d already given should be enough to scare her off for good. This was a best-case scenario in terms of getting Amanda to leave Jenny alone. But that didn’t seem to matter to her since he had done it when she said not to.

Maybe Jenny didn’t appreciate that, but he’d done it for her. All he wanted was to take care of her. And if she couldn’t see that in his actions and wanted to break up with him because of it, there was nothing else he could do. She’d never understand.

“Everything okay?” his trainer asked.

“Yep,” Roman said.

“Then get on your feet. No breaks. We need to get you in shape for the season. Focus, Roman.”

Focus.That’s what he needed. If putting it all on the line didn’t work in his personal life, he knew that he could at least put it all on the line out on the field, for his team. They would never complain about him giving it his all.