“Sure you’re not. You just agreed to wait for a woman who asked you to wait, but didn’t say she’d commit to you even if you did. That’s crazy. And you’re doing it, which means you’re in love. Crazy in love.”

Roman put his palms over his eyes. “I’m not in love. I’m just…interested. I barely know her.”

“Keep telling yourself that, buddy. Maybe you’ll even believe it. But I’m telling you—the fact that you’re not just considering this, but doing this tells me that you’re in love.”

Roman threw a pillow at Blake.

“Your violent protests only confirm my suspicions, you know.”

“Shut up,” Roman said.

“I will, but I think we should lay down a bet. When you are finally ready to admit you’re in love, I want fifty bucks.”

“No,” Roman said.

“See!” Blake pointed a finger at him. “You already know you’d lose!”

Roman groaned and picked up the change of clothes Blake had brought him. “When I come back from changing clothes, we’re done with this conversation. Got it?”

“Yep,” Blake said, grinning. “I’ve got it, lover boy. I’m holding you to that fifty bucks when you’re ready to say it.”

“I’m not agreeing to that. Also, I volunteered you and the guys to help Jenny move next week.”

“She doesn’t want to date you, but she wants you to help her move?”

Roman sighed. “Not me, just you. I can’t help because she doesn’t want to see me. I figured you guys could do it. If not, I’ll hire someone. She could use the help.”

“Ugh. Before we became friends I was able to get away with being so much more selfish.”

“Sorry I corrupted you,” Roman said.

“Can I hit on her? Since you aren’t officially together?”

Roman punched him in the thigh this time, hard. Blake groaned. “Okay, okay. Jenny’s off limits. Got it.”

He tossed another pillow in Blake’s direction and then found the bathroom in the hall. He stared at himself in the mirror before he changed his clothes. Roman Bennett in love? No way. Not so quickly. But somehow even thinking about it got his heart beating faster and made his palms sweat.

Maybe it was a good thing he didn’t take Blake’s bet.