“I forgot to ask—is she hot?” Blake asked.

Roman made a face. “Dude. My mom is right here.”

Blake grinned. “Sorry, Mrs. B.”

She rolled her eyes and gave Roman a kiss on the shoulder. She was too short to reach his cheek when he was standing. “You boys sound like you’ve got the right idea. Just keep your hearts in the right place, okay? And Roman?”

“Yes, Mom?”

She smiled. “Maybe call first this time?”

“Okay, Mom.”

The guys waited for her to leave the kitchen before L’Trel gave him a friendly shove in the shoulder and Tony started laughing. Roman shoved L’Trel back and pointed a finger at Tony. “Shut up.”

Blake chuckled. “Hey, we all love your mom. Even when she rides us. But mostly we like it when she rides you. This woman sounds like quite your match, slamming the door in your face.”

“She definitely didn’t seem to be a fan,” Roman said.

“Everyone’s your fan,” Tony said. “It’s why we all hate you. We’re just here for your mom. And the pizza.”

“So where are you going tomorrow?” L’Trel asked. “I’ve got plans with Stacy so I’m out.”

Roman ran a hand through his hair. “Maybe nowhere. I’m not sure she wants help of any kind. I guess I’ll call and make sure it’s okay first.”

“No photographers this time,” Blake said. “I think the press already knows that you’re a great guy. You can do a few undercover good deeds. You could stand a little break from the press.”

Roman sighed. “I know, I know. I’m just trying to control the narrative, you know? When I don’t give them things, they seek stuff out. Awkward photos of me eating, pictures that they can spin like I’m dating a different girl every night of the week, you know.”

“The fact that you just said ‘control the narrative’ is terrifying,” Tony said.

“How could they possibly make it look like you’re dating a different girl every night? You haven’t had a girl since…uh…” Blake scratched his chin. “When was the last time you went on a date?”

“No comment,” Roman said.

They laughed. Blake grinned wickedly. “Maybe I should call. Especially if she’s cute. I go on plenty of dates.”

Blake was such a flirt. Jenny was more than cute. Roman wasn’t about to let Blake call her.

“Exactly why you can’t call her. No, shut up. I’m on the phone,” Roman said, dialing.

He’d found Jenny’s number on a notepad his mom had left by the phone. He turned away from the guys so he wouldn’t have to see them smirking. He did his best to avoid conversations about women. It felt distinctly humiliating that he didn’t have a girlfriend. There were constantly women throwing themselves at him—screaming from the stands when he walked by, lining up outside the gates at events, invading his DMs on social media. Sometimes he was tempted. It seemed so easy for the other guys to move from woman to woman like Blake and Tony did. And then there was L’Trel, who played the field until he finally met a woman who wrapped him around her finger. He and Stacy were planning a wedding for the next spring.

But Roman, who was constantly being voted the Most Eligible Bachelor of Houston, hadn’t met a woman that he’d want to go on more than one date with in a long time. His last first date had been a setup a year ago that was a total bomb. He clammed up when alone with her and she was totally superficial. Hot, but shallow. Roman didn’t know what he was looking for but he wished he could find it. Having people try to set him up constantly was getting old.

The only serious girlfriend he had seemed perfect, but perfect wasn’t enough. Heidi grew up in the same social circles but wasn’t a snobby socialite. Her family went to the same church that his did. She was beautiful and sweet. But after months of dating, he broke it off. Heidi might have checked off all the boxes, but Roman had no feelings for her besides friendship. Instead he felt like he had been trying to force things to work just because it made sense.

He didn’t just want a pretty face or a woman who fit what he thought he wanted. He needed more, a woman he could spend every day with. A woman whose company he enjoyed. He wanted to laugh together, to sit beside her in church, to like her enough to think about having kids together. With his demanding career and his fame, he didn’t know how he’d ever meet someone.

“Hello?” Jenny’s familiar voice came through the line.

“Hey, is this Jenny? This is Roman Bennett.”

Silence. “Oh?”

Awkward. “Look, I wanted to see if I could bring a few guys from the team by tomorrow. I realize today I…uh, surprised you. Tomorrow we thought we could come over in the afternoon and just help around the house. Whatever you need.”
