Roman seemed to unwind. He smiled down at her. “We can eat or dance or sit and talk about what everyone’s wearing.”

“You want to talk about what people are wearing?”

He laughed. “No. Just seemed like something women might do. I was trying to give you options. There’s no point though. Blake was right when he said you’re the best-looking woman in the room.”

He traced his fingers down her jaw and Jenny stared up into his eyes. From a distance, they were the color of her dress, but up close, there was a ring of darker blue around the center. The noise of the room disappeared as Roman’s gaze fell to her lips. He raised his other hand to her neck and Jenny felt the touch all the way down to her toes. Nervous excitement bloomed in her chest. She hadn’t been kissed in…way too long. As Roman inched toward her, Jenny closed her eyes.


Her eyes snapped open and his hands dropped to his sides. Then, recovering, he grasped Jenny’s hand firmly. A distinguished older woman made her way to them in a beautiful gold beaded dress. Jenny recognized her from photos she’d seen online: Roman’s mother. Without thinking about it, her other hand went straight into her pocket.

Roman’s mother stepped up to him first, kissing his cheek. Still gripping Jenny’s hand, Roman put his other hand on his mother’s shoulder, returning the kiss. Mrs. Bennett stepped back, looking at Jenny.

“Mom, I’d like you to meet Jenny Abrams. Jenny, this is my mother, Caroline Bennett.”

Jenny took her hand out of her pocket and reached out to shake. “It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Bennett.”

“Please—call me Caro. And no handshakes here.” Mrs. Bennett—Caro—leaned in to kiss her cheek. Her perfume rose up into Jenny’s nose. Pulling back, she turned her head and sneezed.

Roman laughed. “Even your sneeze is cute.”

Jenny blushed. “Do I sneeze funny?”

“Roman,” Caro said. “Don’t make her feel self-conscious. Now, Jenny, I’d love to hear more about you.” She linked her arm through Jenny’s and began walking away. “We’ll be right back, Roman. Girl talk.”

Jenny threw a glance over her shoulder to Roman as his mother walked away with her. His brows were knit together, but he tried to smile when he saw her looking. Was she ever going to get time with Roman tonight? So far, they’d spent about five minutes together. She hated that they’d been interrupted when Roman seemed about to kiss her. But was she ready to kiss him? She certainly wouldn’t have stopped him. The attraction was there, but they hadn’t even talked about the future or what they were doing. Jenny couldn’t afford to just be reckless with her affection. Maybe his mother’s timing had been perfect.

“Jenny, my Roman tells me that you recently lost your husband. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you. That’s kind of how we met, actually. He came to help with Blake and Tony. They fixed my fence and put sod down in the yard. My son is a huge fan and was totally enamored. It was so kind of them to come.”

“Roman has a big heart.” Caro led her over to a table laid out with extensive hors d’oeuvres. She let go of Jenny’s arm and handed her a tiny china plate.

“Yes, he does,” Jenny said. Mimicking Caro, she got a few slices of cheese, olives, and tiny tarts, but didn’t overload the plate. Were they going to sit down? Or walk with the plates? Caro led her to a tall round table with a white linen tablecloth where they could stand and eat. Across the room, Jenny caught Roman’s eye. He was talking to a few older men, but he flashed her a smile.

Caro sighed. “My biggest concern is actually his heart. I think sometimes the fact that he is so thoughtful makes him a little impetuous.”

“Oh?” Jenny had a feeling she knew where Caro was going with this and hoped she was wrong. Though the tiny foods on her plate looked good, nothing had a taste.

“Sometimes I think he confuses his feelings. Helping people triggers his sense of loyalty and he can easily become personally involved.”

Jenny set her plate down. “Mrs. Bennett—”


“Caro, let me understand. Do you feel like Roman is confused about his feelings towards me? That because he helped me, he’s confusing that with actual romantic feelings?”

Caro smiled and squeezed her hand. Jenny could see her eyes shining with tears. “I just care about my son so much. As his mother, I know him perhaps better than he knows himself. I just don’t want you to get hurt, especially after all you’ve been through.”

Jenny bit back tears. Was his mother right? Had Roman started feeling something toward her only because he was helping her?

Across the room, Roman had his back to her and was talking to a group of women in slinky sheath dresses. Suddenly Jenny felt like her choice of dress had been completely wrong. Her gown didn’t look like what anyone else was wearing.

“I also know you have children and that you’d do anything to protect them. I can imagine that introducing them to someone who might not be around long-term would be heart wrenching after they’ve lost their father.”

“They’ve already met Roman,” she said.

“But it’s early. They haven’t really bonded with him yet. But if things continue and then don’t work out…” Caro gave Jenny a small smile. “I also know something of the loneliness after losing a spouse. It can make you desperately lonely to find someone else, even if you aren’t ready yet. It could be tempting to fill that void with someone who offers a sense of security.”