Chapter 14
Jenny was thankful for the pockets of her dress so she had something to do with her hands when she walked into the event alone. While she understood why Roman suggested she go ahead of him, skipping the press, she couldn’t shake the feeling of rejection. Did he not want to be seen with her? Was she not enough for his public image? Would she ever be?
Biting back tears, Jenny walked into the large ballroom. Immediately a second wave of doubt rolled over her. She felt like an outsider. She looked the part, but underneath the dress and hair and makeup, she was a ball of nerves. She was a poor widow with two kids, not a big donor who could drop thousands on a charity event. How much had the tickets for this event cost?
Jenny made her way to the bar for just a soda, but realized that though the drinks were free, people were tipping. The only thing she’d brought was her phone. She could get a drink without leaving a tip, but she felt too embarrassed. Roman would probably be there any minute. She could wait.
For now, she simply wandered the room, trying to look confident, the opposite of how she felt. At least her dress was beautiful. She felt eyes on her and wished again for Roman. Just to have the company so she didn’t feel so on display and alone.
“Jenny!” She heard a familiar voice calling her name, but it was Blake, not Roman, striding toward her when she turned around.
She smiled, relieved to see a friendly face. “Blake! It’s good to see you.”
He surprised her by giving her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You look stunning,” he said. “Are you here with Roman?”
“Supposed to be,” she said, then flushed. “I mean, yes. He’s just outside dealing with all the press and all that.”
Blake tilted his head. “He sent you in without him?”
Jenny nodded, looking past his shoulder. She thought she might cry if she met his gaze.
“Well, I’ll take care of you until he gets back. You look a little lost. Is that okay?” Blake held out his arm and she took it, following him to a minibar where she ordered a ginger ale to calm her nerves. He ordered a beer and put a few dollars in the tip jar.
“Thank you, Blake.”
He beamed. “Anytime. Although, I’m still waiting for that pizza recipe.”
“Oh! I can’t believe I forgot. I’ve got a notecard at home all ready. I should have given it to Roman.”
“You know, there’s this thing called technology. You could take a picture of the recipe card and text me.”
Jenny laughed. “I guess I could do that. Here—put your number in my phone.” She pulled the cell phone out of her pocket and pressed the code to unlock it. She was about to hand it over when she realized that he might not give out his number. “Oh, you don’t have to. I can just—”
“I’m not scared to give you my number. I trust you,” he said, smiling as he took the phone from her.
She admired his smoothed-down hair and the cut of his tux while he typed in his number. Before he handed the phone back, he held it up and took a selfie. Jenny giggled. “What are you doing now?”
“Something to remember me by,” Blake said. “Now if I call, you’ll see my handsome face.”
“Cocky much?”
“Are you saying I’m not handsome?” He handed her phone back, his fingers brushing hers. “I mean, I’m not Roman, but…”
“I knew my ears were burning.” Roman stepped up with a smile and gave Jenny a kiss on the cheek, lingering long enough to make it more than just a casual hello.
Blake gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Thanks for sharing your date with me. I think she’s the best-looking woman here. I was kind of hoping you might not come in at all so I could run off with her.”
Jenny blushed, unsure how to handle Blake’s flirtations. Roman seemed to expect this from him, but he still circled his arm around her protectively. “You I trust. Mostly. I appreciate you keeping her safe while I was out there with the wolves.”
“You could have kept her with you,” Blake said, eyeing Roman over his drink.
“I gave her the choice,” Roman said. Jenny stiffened, feeling tension rising between them. She looked down and felt again for her phone in her pocket. Tonight it felt like a lifeline to her, soothing her nerves.
“It’s fine. You’re here now.” Jenny smiled up at Roman, but his jaw was tight.
Blake held up his hands. “I’m off. Jenny, good to see you. Send me that pizza recipe when you think about it—or about me.” He gave a wicked grin and scooted away before Roman could say anything else.
“Hey,” Jenny said. “I’m glad you’re back. What next? I’ve never been to one of these before.”