Eva grabbed her in another hug. “I see why he likes you so much.”

Roman’s mother straightened his tie. Again. “Mom,” he mock-whined. “I’m a big boy.”

She laughed. “You’ll always be my little boy. Even if you’re taller than me.”

“I’ve been taller than you since I was fourteen,” Roman said.

“And you were still my little boy then. Now. I think you’re ready. Are you sure about this?”

Roman swallowed a quick retort. His mother had continued to push her reservations about Jenny at him the past few weeks, ever since the guys let it spill that Roman liked a widow with two kids. “Mom, you’ll get to meet her tonight. I’m positive you’ll understand. Just give her a chance. Stop writing her off just because of her circumstances. Please.”

“It’s not just circumstances—”

Roman picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Mom, you look beautiful. I’m going to go pick up my date now. Okay?”

She sighed, but a smile was on her lips. Pushing herself up on her toes, she kissed his cheek. “I want to be happy for you, Roman.”

“I want that too,” he said, hoping that she would be.

Almost an hour later, the town car pulled up in front of Jenny’s house. Before the driver could help him out, Roman had already opened his door and started up the sidewalk. He held a bouquet of white lilies he’d bought in one hand. His heart was racing. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this excited about a date. Or a woman. He was already smiling before the door opened.

It wasn’t Jenny, but Matt. Roman hid his surprise and reached out to shake Matt’s hand. He didn’t know if Jenny was going to tell the kids about the date or not. This answered that question. “Good to see you again, Matt,” Roman said.

Matt had a goofy grin on his face, but was trying to pull it together. “Come in. My mom’s almost ready. I think.” He rolled his eyes. “Women.”

Roman laughed. As they moved into the house, a flash of silver caught Roman’s eye and he gazed down the hall. His breath caught. Jenny walked toward him, seeming to float on her feet in the silvery-blue ball gown—his favorite of the ones he’d sent with Eva. Jenny’s hair was up in a simple twist with a silver clip. Her makeup was still simple and elegant: her lashes looked longer and her eyes smoky, but not overdone. He loved her usual natural look, but she looked breathtaking now.

Jenny’s eyes lit up as they met his and she smiled, then ducked her head shyly. Roman realized then that Lucy walked beside her in a pink dress, her own hair up on top of her head. Lucy dazzled him with a smile that was a miniature of her mother’s. Roman’s heart warmed at the sight. As they reached him, Lucy let go of her mother’s hand and held it out to Roman.

“You brought me flowers?”

He glanced briefly at Jenny and winked, then knelt down. “I did. Would you mind if we saved one for your mother?”

Lucy pursed her lips and stared very seriously at Roman for a long moment. “I guess so. Just one.”

Roman plucked a single white lily from the big bunch before Lucy pulled them from his hands and went squealing away. When he stood, Jenny was beaming at him. He held out the single flower.

“I hope this isn’t overdoing it,” he said.

“This is perfect,” Jenny said, taking the flower and bringing it up to her nose. “This dress is also perfect. Thank you, Roman.”

“You look even better than I could have imagined in it. Though I should point out that I still do like you in yoga pants.”

She giggled and smoothed down the skirt of her dress.

“Jenny? Are you going to introduce us to your date?”

Roman turned, realizing that her parents stood in the TV room, watching. Matt stood with them, looking embarrassed. Exactly how Roman felt, realizing he’d had an audience. Jenny took Roman’s arm and pulled him forward.

“Mom, Dad—this is Roman Bennett. You may be familiar with his work on the football field. Roman, these are my parents: Bob and Liz. They’re staying with Matt and Lucy tonight.”

Roman felt the sweat starting under the collar of his shirt as he leaned forward to shake her father’s hand. Roman realized he was wearing one of Roman’s jerseys. Jenny’s mother leaned forward and gave him a hug. She was almost as petite as Jenny, with short white hair and the same blue-hazel eyes.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Roman said.

“We’re huge fans. Obviously.” Bob pointed to his jersey. “Maybe you could sign this later?”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Stop embarrassing yourself.”