“Roman, does she have children?” His mother asked him. She looked confused and concerned.

So much for getting out of the conversation quickly. “Yes, she does. Two.”

“And is she divorced? Where is the children’s father?” His mother’s lips pursed, and the guys started to scatter.

“I better be on my way,” L’Trel said.

“I’ve got an early morning,” said Tony.

“Call you later,” Blake called, mouthing sorry at Roman.

All three disappeared out of the front door. His mother waited, hands on her hips. “Well?”

Roman sighed. “She’s a widow, mom. The one you had me go help the other week?”

Her face took on an even unhappier look. “Her husband just died, Roman. And she has children?”

He sighed and looked down. “This is why I didn’t mention it. It’s also why I haven’t asked her on a date yet. I wasn’t sure when I should.”

“But you plan to ask her? It’s already gotten that far?”

Roman had been thinking about it a lot. But he hadn’t even hinted at it to Jenny and wasn’t sure when or how he could. Maybe she was ready, since emotionally her marriage had been over for some time. But she had said the other day she didn’t know what she wanted. How long did he need to wait? A few months? A year? Did he want to wait that long?

“I do, but I don’t know when. Things were a little complicated with her husband. They were involved in divorce proceedings when he died. He was unfaithful and had been living with another woman.”

His mother put a hand to his face and Roman held onto it, feeling her soft, cool skin against his. “Oh, how awful. I can’t imagine. But that sounds like a whole lot of things that you don’t need to get mixed up in. A lot of drama. What would the press say? Roman Bennett dating a recent widow with two kids.” She clucked her tongue. “You’d never live that down. It would change your reputation, that’s for sure.”

He had thought about that too. And maybe for the first time in his life, he didn’t care so much what the media said. “Maybe I shouldn’t be that worried about my reputation.”

“Oh, Roman.” She put a hand to his cheek and he held it. “You don’t have that luxury anymore.”

“I can’t let them dictate my life.”

“No, but you have to consider them. I know that you didn’t fully have a choice, growing up in our household, with your father—it gave you some degree of being known already. But you made the choice to have a public career and you’ve always embraced and encouraged that. Some of it’s just who you are: you’re kind and giving and handsome. It’s hard for everyone not to love you and want to know about your life. You’ve been given a great number of gifts and responsibilities. It’s a blessing and a challenge.”

He nodded. “I know.”

His mom wrapped her arms around him. He could feel her trembling against him and he pulled her tighter. “I just want you to have something like your father and I did.” She sniffed and Roman’s eyes grew moist.

“I want that too,” he said.

They stood there in the kitchen for a few minutes. He loved his mother and she needed him. But he couldn’t help thinking of Jenny and how she seemed to need him too. Was that so wrong? Would it be so hard—harder than a relationship with no baggage? All relationships were difficult, weren’t they?

“I don’t want to tell you what to do, Roman,” she said, finally, her voice muffled against his chest. “But I also don’t want you getting hurt. I think it would be hard to start something on a rocky foundation. And having children and having been married before—that isn’t terrible, but it’s not the best start. You’ve got a clean slate. No baggage you’ll be bringing into a relationship. It would be better if you could find a woman like that too.”

She was right, of course, in a practical sense. It would be better not to start something with Jenny. It made more sense for him to look for a woman who didn’t have kids or a past marriage. But as he kissed his mother’s head, he couldn’t help but think of Jenny and the feel of her hair against his lips, the way it felt to hold her in his arms. You couldn’t always plan how you met someone or who you fell for.

Roman wouldn’t have planned this, but he also knew he wouldn’t change it. He wanted something more with Jenny. His mother was wrong about the foundation. If things worked out between them even with all the challenges, he and Jenny would have an even stronger relationship. One that could get through anything.