Chapter 6
Thirty minutes later, Roman walked back into the house with an arm around Matt, Blake and Tony right behind. The guys all left their shoes, covered in dirt and grass, by the back door. The house smelled amazing. Tiny barked at them all again, then wiggled his way underneath the table.
“You’ve got some moves, buddy. And some serious speed,” Roman said.
Matt’s eyes lit up. “Yeah? I still wish I was playing tackle.”
“I don’t want you playing tackle yet,” Jenny called from the kitchen.
Matt rolled his eyes and frowned, the glint of excitement disappearing. “She never lets me do anything.”
“Hey,” Roman said. “She’s your mom. Respect her decisions. And, if you remember, I agree with her. If you want a longer career, you don’t want early injuries. You’re safer sticking with flag for longer. Even through middle school.”
“See?” Jenny said. She flashed a smile at Roman when Matt wasn’t looking.
“You’ve got a great read on plays,” Tony said.
“Thanks,” Matt said. “I want to be a receiver.”
“You should come to our training camp tomorrow,” Roman said. He hadn’t meant to say it. The camp registration had closed two months ago. He could surely get Matt a spot.
Blake and Tony both stared at him. Blake had a knowing smirk on his face. “Yeah, you should. I know it’s last minute, but you’d love it.”
“Yeah! Mom, can I?”
Jenny looked stricken. “Oh,” she said, “I don’t think we could af—”
“Don’t worry about cost,” Roman said. “It’s taken care of. You just need to show up.”
Matt looked thrilled and couldn’t seem to find words to say it, but his face said it all.
“I want to go to camp,” Lucy said. “Girls can play football too.”
Matt made a face. “No, they can’t.”
“They can and they do,” Blake said. “But I don’t know, Lucy. I think your mom said that soccer is more your sport.”
When had Jenny and Blake had time to talk about Lucy’s sports? Roman tried not to glare at Blake.
“I love soccer!” Lucy said. “Want to play?” She grabbed onto Blake’s calf, sitting on his foot so that when he walked, he was dragging her around. “Please, Mr. Blake?”
Blake and Tony laughed.
Jenny chuckled. “Lucy, we’re having dinner now. You and Matt go wash your hands! Use my bathroom.”
“I think I need to wash my hands too,” Blake said. “I’m pretty sure I’m dirtier than your kids.”
“Down the hall on the right,” Jenny said.
Blake and Tony headed down the hall. Roman leaned against the kitchen counter, eyeing the pizzas cooling on the stovetop. Though his mom had considered herself a homemaker, she wasn’t much of a cook. He had never had homemade pizza. Jenny had three kinds of pans—a smaller round one that looked like a deep-dish pizza, a cookie sheet with a misshapen almost rectangular pizza with a thin crust, and a round stone that had a circular pizza.
Jenny caught him looking. “I only had cheese and pepperoni. I hope that’s okay. And I’ve got another two in the oven. I’m not sure how much you guys eat, but I’d imagine it’s a lot.”
As she said this, her eyes trailed over his shoulders and chest and then snapped back up to Roman’s face. He found himself wanting to flex.
“This looks amazing. I’m sure it will be fine. You didn’t need to go to so much trouble.”
Jenny smiled and ducked her head. “I love making pizza. No trouble.”