Caro smiled. “He would have loved you. I have no doubt of that.” She sighed. “I know that it’s almost time. I’m sorry. I just thought you might be struggling with some sadness because of what you’ve been through. And perhaps some doubts. I know that I may be responsible for some of those because of things that I said to you in the past. Will you forgive me, Jenny?”
“Of course. You don’t need to—”
“I do,” Caro said. “I was wrong to think or say anything I did. You are my Roman’s perfect match in every way. Please know that. Don’t let doubts or sadness from your past color this day any longer. Let it go. Make room for joy.”
Jenny leaned forward and gave her a hug, mindful of the beautiful, beaded dress that Caro wore. “You don’t know how much these words mean to me or how much I needed them. It’s the best gift you could have given me. Besides Roman, of course.”
Caro laughed, and Jenny pulled away, smiling. The heaviness lifted. She had room for the joy.
Denise opened the door, smiling as she saw Jenny’s face. “It’s time.”
Roman felt a shift in the music and straightened his posture. The last bridesmaid had come down the aisle. Lucy appeared in the open doorway of the church and Roman beamed. His little princess. She had won his heart almost as fast as Jenny. It was hard to remember how it felt to be hesitant about being a parent. The idea and the title still sounded surprising to him. But the reality of it was different once he knew Lucy and Matt. They made his heart blaze with pride and a love that was new and different than anything he had felt before. He felt lucky to have Jenny and her family. A perfect package deal.
Lucy smiled up at Roman before dropping the last rose petals and moving toward Denise. “Great job, Little Princess,” he whispered. Lucy practically floated toward her spot.
The doors at the back of the church closed. An expectant hush fell over everyone in the sanctuary. Roman reminded himself to breathe and not to lock his knees.
Blake leaned in, smiling. “You ready for this?”
“I’ve been ready,” Roman said.
“You’re welcome,” Blake said.
“Getting you and Jenny back together, of course. I’ll expect my finder’s fee later.”
Roman rolled his eyes, but he was smiling too. Before he could respond, the doors of the church opened. There was a loud rustle of movement as people stood, turning to see Jenny at the back of the church on Matt’s arm.
Beautiful. Perfect.
Roman gasped.
It wasn’t simply the dress, a soft silvery-blue that fit her perfectly, or the bright joy in her smile. The moment he saw her, memories washed over Roman like a flood. It was like watching a movie in fast pieces, frames moving so quickly that they were just flashes.
Holding a cardboard check as Jenny opened the front door a crack, a swipe of paint on her cheek.
Their almost first-kiss at the ball.
Lucy in his lap, telling him he had big legs.
Kissing Jenny’s head as she cried in his arms.
Mowing Jenny’s lawn, fuming.
Their fingers brushing as he handed her a vase from a cabinet.
Telling Jenny the same neighbor story that his father had told him years ago.
He remembered writing each one of the letters he had now read so many times.
He knew it all.
Roman struggled to keep on his feet. The intensity of remembering had him seeing stars. Blake’s arm held him steady.
“You’ve got this. Don’t disappear on me now,” Blake said.
Roman nodded. He could tell Blake later. Let him think for now that it was just about the wedding. Roman smiled at Jenny, mouthing the word, Beautiful.