Chapter 8
“Do you know what you’re doing, man?” Blake’s voice had no hint of humor in it, which let Roman know just how serious he was. Most of the time if he wasn’t flirting with someone, he was making jokes.
“Doing with what?” Roman ignored the eyeroll. He was almost in front of Blake’s building. They’d planned to have dinner after training camp, but Roman got a text from his mom and she sounded really lonely. He planned to pick up Chinese for them both as soon as he dropped off Blake.
“Don’t give me that. Jenny. Do you know what you’re doing there? Because she’s in a really fragile state—”
“You don’t need to tell me what kind of state she’s in,” Roman said. “You’re the one who’s been flirting with her.”
“I flirt with everyone. It’s who I am. But you, Roman Bennett, do not promise to call women. You don’t flirt. So I’ll say it again: I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Roman gripped the wheel tighter as he turned into the front entrance to Blake’s high-rise building. There was a valet guy there, but Roman waved him off before he got around the front of the car.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Roman said. He couldn’t look at Blake.
The truth was that he hadn’t meant to tell Jenny he’d call her. Just like he hadn’t meant to tell her she was cute the day before and he hadn’t meant to invite Matt to training camp. It was sort of like every time he saw her and every minute he spent with her, some walls came crumbling down and he felt his control slipping and his perfect media image—Roman Bennett, darling of Houston—falling away. He was acting stupid and impulsive and Jenny probably thought he was an idiot. She sure looked at him like that when he blurted out that he’d call her later.
“Well, that’s a good start,” Blake said.
“Shut up.”
Blake held up his hands. “No, I’m being serious. It’s a good start: honesty. The more you’re honest about whatever it is you’re feeling, the better.”
“I don’t know what I’m feeling.”
“That’s okay. You’re feeling something, though, right?”
“Okay, so that’s a start,” Blake said. “You have feelings. Not just friendly feelings.”
Roman shook his head. “Nope.”
Blake grinned and Roman finally looked at him. Then punched him in the shoulder. Blake only laughed. “Look, let me revel for a moment in the fact that you’re crazy about someone. For the first time in a long time—or ever? I don’t remember you ever being like this about anyone. Maybe Heidi?”
Roman made a face, trying to shake the image of his last girlfriend. It hadn’t been the worst relationship or a traumatic breakup, but he didn’t want to stir up old memories. “No Heidi talk.”
“Right. I’m going to go now, but if you need any advice or want to talk…”
“I’ll call L’Trel. He’s actually engaged.”
Blake laughed again. “Good one. And probably right. I shouldn’t be giving anyone relationship advice. But I will say this: go slow. Be careful. And go slow.”
Roman nodded. “Point taken. Twice.”
“Did I mention go slow?”
Blake grinned as he hopped out of the truck. Roman only shook his head. He didn’t watch Blake go into the building and tried instead not to peel out of the drive.
Go slow. What did that even mean?
How soon was too soon to date someone after their spouse dies?
And what was he doing, falling for someone like Jenny? She didn’t run in the circles he did, which was refreshing. But could she handle his life? Plus, she had two kids. Two awesome kids. Matt was so much fun and had a real natural ability to read plays. Roman couldn’t help thinking today while watching him on the field who he’d hire to train him. And Lucy—she just made him melt with her tiny, bossy voice. He only hoped she didn’t demand something outrageous, because Roman suspected whatever it was, he’d do it.
This was bad.
Maybe he shouldn’t call her. He could just ignore her and then he’d look like the jerk who said he was going to call and didn’t. She’d get mad and hate him and they’d never see each other again. Perfect. Easy.