Jenny sucked in a breath. This was too much. Everything in her electrified at his words and the knowledge that his lips were so close to her ear. She could not feel this way. Not now. Not about him.

She stepped away from Roman without looking at him and held out Staci’s phone. “We’ve got to go. Here’s your phone. Matt! We’re leaving.”

Blake set Staci down and Jenny ignored the eyes she sent her way.

“Really? Aw.” Matt stood up and gave Roman a big hug, then Blake as Jenny moved away toward the steps. She needed to put distance between her and Roman. The sooner she got back to her normal life where she wasn’t talking to handsome pro football players, the better.

Staci was still trying to get close to Roman, but he stepped around her and called out to Jenny. She was just turning away but spun back despite wanting to run.

“Jenny! I’ll call you?”

Behind him, Staci looked furious and Blake looked like he was about to start laughing again. Matt nudged her elbow, grinning up at her. He was too young to understand why this was so complicated. For him, his dad was gone and his football hero suddenly dropped into his life, sliding right into an empty space. But how long until Roman disappeared, leaving Matt with a larger gaping hole than before?

And what would it do to Jenny when he stopped whatever it was he was doing to her heart?

Sweat started beading at her hairline. Roman’s blue eyes were fixed on her, waiting. Her mouth felt like it was full of dust. She had no words in her head.

Nodding once, she turned away and pulled Matt down the stairs to make an escape.