A whistle blew down on the field and she realized that they were lining up for a scrimmage, the Roughnecks mixed in with the kids. Matt waved up at her, a huge grin on his face. He was going to be receiver, his dream position. Jenny moved down to the rail with her phone to take some video. Staci moved down beside her. Jenny hoped she didn’t talk through the video, but thankfully, she was doing something on her phone. She probably just wanted to make sure Jenny didn’t get away without introducing her to Roman.

Matt caught his first pass and Jenny tried to keep her hand steady for filming, though she really wanted to jump up and down. He made it almost to the end zone before someone got two hands on him. Roman was playing for the other team, but he gave Matt a pat on the back. Blake grabbed him around the shoulders and walked him back to their side, telling him something with a smile. He looked up at Jenny at the end and winked.

“Barely know them, huh?” Staci said.

Jenny didn’t have an answer for that, so she just kept filming and moved farther down the rail where the ball was now. That play turned out to be Matt’s only big thing in the game. They had so many kids that he came out soon after and didn’t get another pass, but he did make a few good touches to stop the other team. By the end, he was soaked with sweat and smiling bigger than she’d ever seen him smile. Jenny got teary-eyed watching Matt sit down with the other kids, listening as the volunteer who’d been coaching them gave all the kids a pep talk. The players stood around behind the kids and Roman looked back at Jenny once, giving her a big smile and a thumbs-up, which she understood to mean that Matt had done a great job. She nodded, feeling even more emotion hit her eyes.

Too bad Hank couldn’t see it.

The thought was like so many she’d had over the past month. They came out of nowhere, like a sneak attack, leaving her breathless and filled with a confusing cocktail of emotions: guilt, loss, and even anger.

If Hank hadn’t died, he probably still wouldn’t have been here. She knew this.

Yet thinking about the fact that he didn’t get the choice anymore struck her so hard in that moment. She worked to control her breathing. When Matt got done, she could not be crying like this. Just then the coach blew the whistle and the players all started clapping and moving in for high fives. A lot of other parents had filled the stands and made their way down for pictures. Jenny wasn’t in a hurry and was halfway hoping that Staci would get tired of waiting and head home.

Her stepson came over, looking cranky and tired. Jenny shot him a sympathetic look. Staci wasn’t even looking at him. She was still on her phone doing something.

“Staci? Can we go?” he said.

“Not yet. Why don’t you go sit and wait.”

Head down, he went to a bench and sat down heavily. Jenny felt sorry for him. Matt was still down on the field, talking animatedly to a few of the guys. Parents milled around too. Everyone seemed to want pictures of their kids with the players. She was glad she got some the day before—in her backyard no less.

Jenny whistled. They had a family whistle they used when trying to find each other in crowded places and she was loud. Matt’s head snapped up and he said goodbye to his friends and jogged over with his water bottle.

“I may not be able to introduce you,” Jenny said to Staci. “They look pretty swamped with other parents.”

“Guess they’re not that busy,” Staci said and Jenny looked to see Roman and Blake jogging over, flanking Matt as he ran. Jenny couldn’t help the huge smile that covered her face.

As they reached the stands, Jenny took an involuntary step back as they didn’t slow down. Roman and Blake both grabbed the top rail and effortlessly vaulted over to stand in front of Jenny. She couldn’t help the giggle that came out of her mouth. Matt climbed over the rail and dropped his water at her feet.

“Mom! Did you video my catch?”

“I did! You looked awesome out there.”

He grabbed for her phone. “Let me see! I have to share with Nicholas.”

She let him take her phone. He sat down behind her and started watching. Roman and Blake stood smiling at her and she felt awed again at their sheer size and the fact that they wanted to talk to her. Staci nudged her elbow and cleared her throat. Jenny glanced at her, then slid her eyes to Roman and Blake.

“Oh, um, guys—this is Staci,” she said. “Staci, Roman and Blake.”

Staci pushed in front of Jenny, standing way too close to Roman and held out her hand. He shook it and she didn’t let go at first, but gave a coy laugh. “You’re even more handsome in person than on television,” she said in a low, sultry voice.

“Uh,” Roman said, his face hardening.

Blake laughed, but Staci didn’t seem to notice. “Take our picture, Jessy?” Jenny almost snorted. Staci handed her phone to Jenny and, in a slick move, kept Roman’s hand in hers, but spun so her back was to him. She pulled his hand across her waist so it looked like he was holding her. Now his face turned red. Blake stepped next to Jenny and started making low comments as she took a few photos. Staci directed her, and Roman looked totally embarrassed.

“They make a cute couple, right?” Blake said, leaning close so Roman and Staci couldn’t hear. Jenny giggled again. Staci seemed oblivious, but Roman glared. “Though she might be too young for him. Ooh—I think I’m making Roman jealous.”

“Hold the phone steady,” Staci ordered. “One more pose. Will you pick me up?” She batted her eyes at Roman.

“No,” he said firmly.


“I’ll do it,” Blake said. And without waiting for her answer, he scooped her up in his arms. Staci looked to Roman, but then turned her gaze to Blake.

Roman stood by Jenny now as she took the pictures. “Want me to pick you up for a photo?” he said, in a low voice just like Blake had. His breath tickled her ear and she felt goosebumps break out on every part of her skin. “I’d do it for you.”