There was a chorus of yesses and Jenny went back to cut the last two pizzas into slices. Roman lost count of how many pieces he’d had, but he could have eaten another whole pizza. As Jenny put the new pieces out, hands grabbed from all around the table.
“Did you eat enough?” Roman asked Jenny. She’d only had the one piece right after the blessing.
She shook her head. “I’m not really hungry.”
“You have to eat something,” Roman said. “Let me at least save some for you. For later if not now. Before these ogres eat it all.” He set aside two pieces on his empty plate.
“Thank you,” she said. “Hey, can you guys get me details about the training camp tomorrow? I mean, if that’s still on the table.”
“Sure,” Blake said, pulling out his phone. “Let me just get your num—”
“I can text it to you,” Roman said. “I’ve got your number in my phone already.”
“Great,” Jenny said.
Blake shot Roman another knowing smile. Was he trying to flirt with Jenny? Or just trying to irritate Roman?
The doorbell rang, and Jenny looked up, surprised. Tiny launched himself from underneath the table, jostling the whole thing with his body. Roman had forgotten he was there. He almost knocked over Lucy and her chair as he went
“I can’t get over that dog,” Blake said as Tiny rushed to the door with Jenny.
“You’re lucky he’s scared of you,” Matt said. “He’d steal your pizza right off your plate if he wasn’t under the table.”
Roman tried not to stare as Jenny opened the door wider. A tall man with dark hair stepped inside, Tiny weaving around him, trying to lick him. Before Roman could notice his face, he saw the flowers: a giant bouquet of pink roses. Jenny gave a quick glance at the table and then the man bent towards her and pulled her into a hug. She grabbed him by the upper arms, holding him back a little, as though she wasn’t fully comfortable with the embrace.
A foot kicked him under the table and Roman found Blake had locked eyes with him. “You’re staring,” he whispered, a smirk on his face. Roman turned his attention back to the last slice of pizza in his hands, swallowing down the uncomfortable feeling that had washed over him seeing the man hugging Jenny. He only looked up when they stepped closer to the table.
“Uncle Chuck!” Lucy squealed. She launched herself out of her chair and the man caught her in a hug.
“My Lucy-Bell!” he said. “You look as beautiful as ever. Who are your new friends?”
“I don’t remember all their names,” Lucy whispered, loudly enough for the guys to hear. Blake and Tony laughed. “This is Mr. Roman and, um…”
Jenny stepped forward. “Charles, this is Roman and Blake and Tony. Guys, this is Charles. He is—he was…”
Charles set Lucy down and shook the guys’ hands one by one. Roman gave him an extra tight squeeze. He had neatly-combed dark hair and a wide, white grin. “I’m Charles, aka Uncle Chuck. I’ll answer to both. An unofficial uncle. I was her husband Hank’s best friend. I’m a huge fan. How’s this season looking?”
When Roman didn’t answer immediately, Blake and Tony both rushed in, telling Chuck about the new players and how the off-season was going.
Jenny darted into the kitchen, looking through the cabinets for something to put the flowers in. She stood on her tiptoes trying to reach something in a cabinet above the microwave. Roman quickly moved beside her and easily pulled down a glass vase.
“Is this what you needed?” he asked, his voice low.
She looked like she was going to move away from Roman, as they stood toe to toe, but then she stayed close. “Is there a bigger one up there? I can’t see without a chair,” she said quietly.
He set the first vase back and pulled out one that was a little larger, holding it up with his eyebrows raised. She met his eyes, nodding. “Thank you.”
When he handed it to her, their fingers brushed together. She didn’t immediately pull her hand away, but looked up at his eyes with an unreadable expression. Roman couldn’t—or didn’t want to—move. The moment felt charged with unsaid words or feelings. Jenny finally stepped back, pulling her hands away. She turned from him, filling the vase with water and cutting the stems off the roses before putting them in the vase. He watched her back for a moment, then sat back down at the table.
“Thank you, Chuck,” she said. “These are beautiful. You didn’t need to do that.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” he said. “I figured all the flowers you got last week were probably dead, so you might need something to brighten up the house.” He plucked one from the bunch and handed it to Lucy. “For my little rose.”
“Does it prick?” she asked, her tiny hands hesitating.
Chuck shook his head. “I had all the thorns cut off. You’re safe.” He looked around at Roman, Blake, and Tony. “So, what prompted this visit? Jenny—I didn’t know you had connections with the Roughnecks.”
“I don’t,” Jenny said. “They just offered to help. Today they put down sod in the back and rebuilt the fence.”